RE:Getting an erection.

What do you guys think about having an erection when your fellow nudist housemate is present ? I feel its just a natural thing and occurs very often .

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RE:Getting an erection.

The best way to fight an erection at the beach is to dive into the sea.
When you are at home, better go to the toilet and...
If your life partnepr is there, then invite her/him to bed.

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RE:Getting an erection.

It is only natural and most people will understand that it is out of your control. They may even appreciate that you like what you see, and respond with their own non verbal communication. No need to be embarrassed, if it bothers you; turn away.

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RE: Getting an erection.

An erection isnt for anything other than stopping you wee yourself before you can be arsed to get up in the morning

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RE: Getting an erection.

This is easy heres what you do when you start feeling that your about to get an erection before it gets worse go sit down put a towel around yourself and wait for it to go down its nothing to be ashamed of. It happens to the best of us.

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