RE:New Lofty fitness goals with incentives and penalties

I suggested to my wife that if I lose enough weight and or inches around my waist in 2058, I would like to get a tanga or 2 for our trip to Florida in 2026.She was not thrilled with the idea but was accepting.

Meant 2025.

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RE:New Lofty fitness goals with incentives and penalties

I suggested to my wife that if I lose enough weight and or inches around my waist in 2058, I would like to get a tanga or 2 for our trip to Florida in 2026.She was not thrilled with the idea but was accepting.

Meant 2025.

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RE:New Lofty fitness goals with incentives and penalties

2/20/25 Update:
I blew all of my weight loss goals out of the water. As of this morning I weigh 176.2 Lbs. I have a belt that I bought in Buffalo last August without trying it on only to find out that I could barely squeeze into it. I am now using the second hole in it, and my regular belt that I use for work, I had to drill 2 more holes in it. Pants that I could not squeeze into a year ago, that I planed on donating now fit me perfectly. I found some old work pants from 30 years ago that now fit. I guess my "Fat boy" pants will be packed away.
I go in for my annual checkup next month weighing about 50 Lbs less than my last checkup. I suspect I may be able to reduce or eliminate my Metformin prescription for Diabetes.
Most of my weight loss can be credited (blamed) on 4 factors:
1) Since I had Covid in December 2023, my taste buds have not been the same. I still can taste stuff, but sometimes, not always after a few bites whatever I am eating starts to taste like sour milk.
2) I had a urinary tract infection about 7 months ago. My left nut swelled up to about the size of a tennis ball. It took about a month to clear. Either that, or the antibiotics I was taking for it further sapped my appetite.
3) I am working more hours at my part time night job that involves varying amounts of heavy lifting
4) between my working, screwing up my meal schedule, and my reduced appetite, sometimes I will go over 24 hours without eating anything substantial. I now take daily multi vitamins and a meal replacement shake daily, usually in the morning when I wake up, or if I worked the night before, after I get home and before I go to bed. I am convinced that my stomach has shrunk since when I do eat, the portions are about half what they used to be.

Off topic, I see things have not improved here since I erased my footprint. While there are a few less spammer/ scammer/ hooker posts in my groups, there are substantially less legitimate posts with content relative to the group. I have talked to a few people from this site at the beach and most of them have given up on this site while not as drastically as I did, they simply just do not come here nearly as much as before the administrators sold out to the spammers/ scammers and hookers.
Hmmm, maybe the fact that I spend less time here in a week than I used to in a day is helping my weight loss

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RE:New Lofty fitness goals with incentives and penalties

2/20/25 Update:I blew all of my weight loss goals out of the water. As of this morning I weigh 176.2 Lbs. I have a belt that I bought in Buffalo last August without trying it on only to find out that I could barely squeeze into it. I am now using the second hole in it, and my regular belt that I use for work, I had to drill 2 more holes in it. Pants that I could not squeeze into a year ago, that I planed on donating now fit me perfectly. I found some old work pants from 30 years ago that now fit. I guess my "Fat boy" pants will be packed away.I go in for my annual checkup next month weighing about 50 Lbs less than my last checkup. I suspect I may be able to reduce or eliminate my Metformin prescription for Diabetes.Most of my weight loss can be credited (blamed) on 4 factors:1) Since I had Covid in December 2023, my taste buds have not been the same. I still can taste stuff, but sometimes, not always after a few bites whatever I am eating starts to taste like sour milk.2) I had a urinary tract infection about 7 months ago. My left nut swelled up to about the size of a tennis ball. It took about a month to clear. Either that, or the antibiotics I was taking for it further sapped my appetite.3) I am working more hours at my part time night job that involves varying amounts of heavy lifting4) between my working, screwing up my meal schedule, and my reduced appetite, sometimes I will go over 24 hours without eating anything substantial. I now take daily multi vitamins and a meal replacement shake daily, usually in the morning when I wake up, or if I worked the night before, after I get home and before I go to bed. I am convinced that my stomach has shrunk since when I do eat, the portions are about half what they used to be.Off topic, I see things have not improved here since I erased my footprint. While there are a few less spammer/ scammer/ hooker posts in my groups, there are substantially less legitimate posts with content relative to the group. I have talked to a few people from this site at the beach and most of them have given up on this site while not as drastically as I did, they simply just do not come here nearly as much as before the administrators sold out to the spammers/ scammers and hookers.Hmmm, maybe the fact that I spend less time here in a week than I used to in a day is helping my weight loss

Congratulations on meeting your goals ahead of schedule!
Are you doing anything to mark the occasion.
If you don't have any ideas, I have one,
Always go between your house and the community pool in just a skimpy swim brief, no shirt or shorts to give others maximin (legal) exposure to your improved physique.
Do you think that having a home gym where you can work out nude also helped you achieve your goals? Speaking of the home gym, has anyone joined you there yet? Are you using a webcam so that more people can see your progress?By the way, have you had a physical lately? It would probably be a good idea for you to do so if you have not. since you have lost a substantial amount of weight fairly quickly. Please keep us posted. I miss hearing from you and I suspect a lot of others on this site do too.

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RE:New Lofty fitness goals with incentives and penalties

Thank you.
No, nothing special to observe the occasion.
I already go to the pool and hot tub in just a swim brief.
The home gym has been put on hold since I was installing vinyl plank flooring in the kitchen. dining and living rooms so that area was used for storage, also there was more roof damage to that room from Hurricane Milton than I thought and there are a few small leaks in the roof. I hope to fix it this week. Also, most of the winter it was too cold in there at night to be comfortable being nude. I am installing an exhaust fan in there to get rid of the excess heat and have a portable a/c unit for the summer. I still have to put the privacy tint on the windows.
I found some old size 32 pants from a brief period in late 2002-early 2003 that I had stored away hoping that someday I may be able to fit in them again. They fit now, some a bit snug and some fit perfectly. A year ago I wore 36's and 34's were a quite snug. The 36's have been packed away where the 32's used to be.
Tuesday 2/25- 173.8#. If I drop 2 more pounds I will be at the lowest weight since high school, 50 years ago. I go to the doctor's for my annual physical later next month. Last year I weighed 225 and he suggested I try to lose about 15 lbs. I think he may be surprised to see that I dropped 50. I feel great, have more energy and a lot less back issues. I am thinking in a couple weeks that I will get into a workout routine on days that I don't work. Part of the problem with building up pectoral muscles is if you slack off, they turn into the dreaded man boobs. I don't want that.
I will be in Key West in about 3 weeks. I will probably take some pics thereof the new leaner, but not meaner me.

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RE:New Lofty fitness goals with incentives and penalties

Thcover up? No, nothing special to observe the occasion.I already go to the pool and hot tub in just a swim brief.The home gym has been put on hold since I was installing vinyl plank flooring in the kitchen. dining and living rooms so that area was used for storage, also there was more roof damage to that room from Hurricane Milton than I thought and there are a few small leaks in the roof. I hope to fix it this week. Also, most of the winter it was too cold in there at night to be comfortable being nude. I am installing an exhaust fan in there to get rid of the excess heat and have a portable a/c unit for the summer. I still have to put the privacy tint on the windows.I found some old size 32 pants from a brief period in late 2002-early 2003 that I had stored away hoping that someday I may be able to fit in them again. They fit now, some a bit snug and some fit perfectly. A year ago I wore 36's and 34's were a quite snug. The 36's have been packed away where the 32's used to be.Tuesday 2/25- 173.8#. If I drop 2 more pounds I will be at the lowest weight since high school, 50 years ago. I go to the doctor's for my annual physical later next month. Last year I weighed 225 and he suggested I try to lose about 15 lbs. I think he may be surprised to see that I dropped 50. I feel great, have more energy and a lot less back issues. I am thinking in a couple weeks that I will get into a workout routine on days that I don't work. Part of the problem with building up pectoral muscles is if you slack off, they turn into the dreaded man boobs. I don't want that.I will be in Key West in about 3 weeks. I will probably take some pics thereof the new leaner, but not meaner me.
So you go from your home to the pool and hot tub in just the swim brief with no coverup?
Maybe time to step down to a tanga.
Where are you staying in Key West?
Will you be driving nude?
Why not get rid of the 36's? Maybe even wear a pair too the donation bin, put them in and drive home with no clothing in the car?

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RE:New Lofty fitness goals with incentives and penalties

Well done on the progress!

I really should try and shed a little weight myself although, when I asked my wife yesterday if improving my physique would beca licence to wear skimpier swimwear in her presence, she said no. :-/

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RE:New Lofty fitness goals with incentives and penalties

Well done on the progress!I really should try and shed a little weight myself although, when I asked my wife yesterday if improving my physique would beca licence to wear skimpier swimwear in her presence, she said no. :-/

When I said that I would like to get a tanga if 1 lost some weight, my wife agreed that I could, but didn't seem enthusiastic about the idea.
Maybe start with something not too skimpy like this:
Then when she gets used to it, move down a couple notches to something like this?

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RE:New Lofty fitness goals with incentives and penalties

The Kiniki ones always look to have too much loose fabric to me, and I'm not referring to the coverage. Because the edge of the fabric at the waist seems to be cut straight rather than with a subtle inward curve, the pictures always show a loose fold of fabric between the corners, which annoys me. I can confirm the Skinzwear ones don't have that problem in any of the various styles I have.

If my wife doesn't like a tanga, these aren't too much bigger.

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RE:New Lofty fitness goals with incentives and penalties

The Kiniki ones always look to have too much loose fabric to me, and I'm not referring to the coverage. Because the edge of the fabric at the waist seems to be cut straight rather than with a subtle inward curve, the pictures always show a loose fold of fabric between the corners, which annoys me. I can confirm the Skinzwear ones don't have that problem in any of the various styles I have.If my wife doesn't like a tanga, these aren't too much bigger.

Actually I would consider them in the tanga family.
Another odd thing about Kiniki is that the micro is cut so low that the top of my bush and crack are exposed and the tanga rides higher.

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