I prefer naked. I am a real nudist. Whenever the opportunity arises, I take all my clothes off

My name is Chris. I love nudist travel and so I go on holiday several times a year. But I spend my holidays only as nudist holidays. It is very important for me to take all my clothes off, when the vacation begins.I dont like any tan-lines and I have no problems, if everybody can see my naked boobs and pussy. I would like You to take advantage of my knowledge and the experiences I have made over the years as nudist

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RE:I prefer naked. I am a real nudist. Whenever the opportunity arises, I take all my clothes off

Welcome to the group, Chris.
I notice that you are originally from Germany. Are you able to contrast the general attitudes to nudity between the two countries?

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RE:I prefer naked. I am a real nudist. Whenever the opportunity arises, I take all my clothes off

Same here. Nude pickleball todsy ay the resort.

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RE:I prefer naked. I am a real nudist. Whenever the opportunity arises, I take all my clothes off

Same with me i do love my nudist holidays, being able to be naked all day, when at home i do my best but limited by the climate and general day to day chores

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RE:I prefer naked. I am a real nudist. Whenever the opportunity arises, I take all my clothes off

My name is Tom. I also consider myself a Real Nudist. Totally nude at every possible opportunity, andthere are many. Definitely prefer others around me to also be totally nude. I have no interest in partial cover-ups or fabric drapping for any reason. No leather either. No watch. No shoes.

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RE:I prefer naked. I am a real nudist. Whenever the opportunity arises, I take all my clothes off

Lovely, best way to be, i to enjoy being nude as much as possible, had a lovely day today nude at beach, paddleboarding the coast, as well being able to drive nude.
Best wishes. Enoy the freedom.

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RE:I prefer naked. I am a real nudist. Whenever the opportunity arises, I take all my clothes off

What beach was that? Bit cold still at Kenfig!

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RE:I prefer naked. I am a real nudist. Whenever the opportunity arises, I take all my clothes off

I have alwsys welcome nudes and I'm available for the treats

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