So Skype is shutting down

Hey yall since Skype is shutting down in this May. I figured we could try out a few different options for our Certified TN chat. I have made a Discord server, which offers text, voice and video chats. As well as a Telegram server, for those who like their format better. Though they dont have video group chat.



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RE:So Skype is shutting down

Well, Telegram does have video group chat, but only an admin can start one. I found a way around it though. I'll tell you more on Telegram.

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RE:So Skype is shutting down

The link you posted has expired. Please contact me on Telegram. User ID @Lanudie.

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RE:So Skype is shutting down

Am already useing discord as bikertex

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RE:So Skype is shutting down

Tried the discord link and was told it is expired...

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