Spring garden started

I think I'm just a touch late but at least it's moving! I've still got my potted plants from prior years producing ... they're out in the sun with a fresh supply of water & fertilizer; they're still making veggies. My raised beds have a couple of zucchini plants while the in-ground has Seminole Pumpkins & cucumbers so far. I still have two empty 4' X 4' raised beds that I'm contemplating potatoes or something similar. Not sure exactly but I'll check with my local plant guru to see what might work well. What are the rest of you doing?

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RE:Spring garden started

I have raised bed tomatoes five feet high and loaded with 1 inch tomatoes. I have one plant from last June that produced and I cut it off in the winter. Well its back and blossoming. My biggest problems with zucchini and radishes is ants They haven't started yet so fingers crossed.

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RE:Spring garden started

I have another ouple weeks to start but did try planting some potatoes. Still have to plow under the manure and kill the weeds.

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RE:Spring garden started

we have potatoes, a little corn and onions in the ground and as warm as it is forecast to be this coming week we may have squash and more corn planted this week.

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RE:Spring garden started

So many of you already rolling along nicely, cool! Or should I say "WARM!" Here the temps are moderating and I've had some of the heartier seedlings outside hardening off, maybe some a little too early - the dill has turned a bit silvery on the leaves and a few of the other leaves have dropped, but the barn where the lights are on 16 hours a day is overflowing and I gotta git goin'!

Jealous of some of the winter-overs others have spoken of here, though we had some success with a few things which surprised us, including being able to make our favorite Asian chicken marinade for dinner on Friday with our own crazy healthy cilantro production from seeds planted in October! Grilled to perfection ~ because a gardener is only as good as the cook who grows the ingredients! If you want the recipe, message me for it.

The herbs did pretty well, chives, thyme, oregano, etc. are popping their greenery out well, maybe some parsley will return, too. Glad to see a few neglected-to-be-planted-in-the-flower-bed coneflowers have survived in their teeny pots from seed last year. So far the only thing actually planted outside is some garlic that sprouted in the pantry. Seeds to go in this week will be carrots, beets, radish, arugula, lettuce & peas; plants include more parsley, baby choi, maybe a dill or three for fun. Will my pickle get some dilly this year?

Have you seen those grafted tomato on top/potato on the bottom plants? What a weird thing! But for the unchallenged, unclothed gardener, why the heck not!?!? Too expensive and chancy for my tastes, just the right thing for the ambitious and with plenty of space to experiment. That ain't us, with one 3'x12' & one 4'x12' double dug beds being our entire inventory of dirty to play in, besides the plethora of pots my sweetie gets sick of dancing around. But dance she will and hopefully our teeth sinking into some succulent fruit from another try of Black Crim maters. You know what they say - once you go black - those fuckers are delicious!

Good luck to all and, don't burn your bare ass as you're weeding bent over! The neighbors may be watching . . .

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RE:Spring garden started

It is getting much warmer here in NC. My bean seeds did not sprout. Planted new seeds outside directly in the garden.

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