He said: I know you are a nudist!
I had the opportunity to work full time in a busy financial services office for about 15 years. And, my Husband and I were fortunate to live within a 1/4 mile the entire time. Each business day the office was effectively full with clients and package delivery people. One of those delivery routes also served our home with an appropriate delivery item. Yes, the same driver. We saw each other daily, sometimes more than once at the office. And less frequently at our front door at home. Having a very pleasant personality, he always smiled and said hello. Soon he said my name each time. I learned his for courteous response. Those brief encounters lasted for years. Then I retired. He continued to be very much the same during occasional greetings at our front door. Always neat, moving quickly, but smiling with good eye contact at all times. A year or so later the doorbell rang. No delivery truck outside. I was nude at home the same as always. Quickly put on the red nylon shorts without liner, that hung inside the door for 20 years. I opened the door to find the same guy. No uniforn. Just casually dressed. He smiled and said that he had retired from the delivery service the day before and simply wanted to let me know. He also pointed to the red shorts, bare feet and no shirt saying, "That's what you have been wearing to answer your door for the 15 years I have known you]". He laughed and said, "I know you are a nudist, I am too." One or two comments later I invited him into the house. Over a coke he told me that he has been an at home nudist for many years. Rarely, his wife is too. But his two teen age daughters are nudists also. He talked about wanting to take the family to nearby nudist resorts, but his wife was overly concerned about the costs. I was able to solve that problem by giving him day/weekend passes for first timers at 2 local area clubs. The kind of passes the Clubs give away during 5km events. A few months later my Husband and I moved away. Hope my surprise visitor and his family are happy healthy nudists to this day. And I now answer the door properly. Completely nude.