The best nude moment when I was...

Hey guys, lets start something interesting.
In this thread we will be sharing about the best nude moment in past which we cherish and always want to have a repeat. Now the twist is, you have to describe it in few words and upload a picture.
I feel this will be interesting and engaging.
What say you?

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RE: The best nude moment when I was...

The best nude moment in recent past was on 11th May, at 4 pm. I reached to a location which was amidst a forest. I came here a s a trainer of a program. I reached the venue by 2 pm. Rest of particiapnts did not arrive. Spo i took the opportunity and started walking in the forest. It was 5.30 pm by then. I reached to a location which was full with rocks. I sat quietly sat on a rock and needless to say...I was naked.
Suddenly I found this tree in full bloom with golden yellow flowers - Laburnum, popularly known as golden chain. since my childhood, i loved this flowers and always dreamt of giving a nude hug to a full bloom tree. I never knew that he will be waiting for me here...2000 km away from my home town....and we would meet at a dusk when birds are returning to their place for the night and they are talking to each other for the last time of the day....and the Sun ray is falling the flowers and making them magical.
I slowly walked up to the tree and hugged the flower,,,smelt them....touch them with my eyes, lips, cheeks, forehead and ears.
It was a divine moment for me.

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RE: The best nude moment when I was...

See my picture in group's album

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RE: The best nude moment when I was...

Sailing the week I turned 50 in the Dodecanese Islands of Greece. Standing at the helm of a 45 ft yacht with the blue Aegean Sea beneath me and the cloudless blue skies above me. The pic is in my gallery of pics.

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RE: The best nude moment when I was...

My favorite time was my first time. I was interested in being a nudist since about age 12 but did not act on it until decades later. Did a day trip to a nude resort and chose to finally experience being nude with others in public. I loved it immediately and have a wonderfully fond memory of that day. It was awesome and something that I can still feel years later.

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RE: The best nude moment when I was...

Sailing the week I turned 50 in the Dodecanese Islands of Greece. Standing at the helm of a 45 ft yacht with the blue Aegean Sea beneath me and the cloudless blue skies above me.

Hi. Please upload the pic in this group. Because we cant see more than 5 pic of ur profile.
The rule is one has to upload the pic in this group.

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RE: The best nude moment when I was...

My best would be at the 1983 Rainbow Gathering - about 10,000 people camped in a national forest in Michigan, northern US. Many attendees camp in groups of 10 to 100 around common kitchen fires where cooking is done; a few thousand of the campers gather daily in a Main Circle to eat what is offered from these Kitchens. Nudity is permitted, but not common; I was the only person who was usually nude at the Kitchen fire where I was camped. Each day, we would make a giant pot of food to send to the Main Circle, which took four people to carry and serve. One day, there were not enough people to take the food, so I was recruited to help, naked as I was, and found myself carrying food into this vast circle of hungry campers and with my little group walking around it, ladling our offering into a thousand waiting bowls. I got a lot of smiled affirmations for doing this naked. Are the best moments of life photographed? I'd have to say no - sorry, no photo to post.

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RE: The best nude moment when I was...

Many years ago. My first visit to a resort. Can't describe the feeling of freedom and the friendliness of the people there. Sadly the resort no longer exists but I knew I was hooked of the lifestyle. Also no pics exist either.

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RE: The best nude moment when I was...

I have had so many it is hard to chose one.
It is on a naked hike with NEWT (Naked European Walking Tour). A large group of us stayed naked all week living in an Alpine Hutt and hiking naked in the Austrian Alps. We would climb up a mountain through woodland and meadows full of wild flowers and butterflies. I was truly one with nature. One day it rained. I and a fellow Englishman sheltered under an umbrella (naked). It was so typically English it amused everyone.

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RE: The best nude moment when I was...

Great guys...more sharing please

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RE: The best nude moment when I was...

Great guys....please share more...

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