RE: The best nude moment when I was...

Great guys....please share more...

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RE: The best nude moment when I was...

Great guys....please share more...

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RE: The best nude moment when I was...

Great guys....please share more...

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RE: The best nude moment when I was...

Standing in the kitchen talking to my buddy getting ready to head for the hot tub. My wife (before she went social) said she could never be naked in front of anyone and especially by buddy because he was like a brother to her. She suddenly walked her naked self right by us heading for the tub. It was the beginning of her breaking out of her shell.

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RE: The best nude moment when I was...

Every moment I stand naked and realize how lucky I am to be alive, be it in my home or outdoors. All my naked experiences are wonderful.

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RE: The best nude moment when I was...

Sailing the week I turned 50 in the Dodecanese Islands of Greece. Standing at the helm of a 45 ft yacht with the blue Aegean Sea beneath me and the cloudless blue skies above me. Hi. Please upload the pic in this group. Because we cant see more than 5 pic of ur profile. The rule is one has to upload the pic in this group.i uploaded it thanks for the reminder.

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RE: The best nude moment when I was...

Last Saturday, on 21st May, i was having a nude meditation on the bank of river Ganga at Rishikesh. Suddenly i felt a touch on my shoulder followed by a sound. I turned back and found a little dog...not a matured adult ...not to be termed a puppy also.
He was in a mood to play and indicated me to get up. I got up and next 20 mins we ran around and chased each other. It was a lovely time.
I have a video recording of the time also.

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RE: The best nude moment when I was...

One of our best nude moments was when we went to a mud bath facility in Vietnam.
Nudity is not generally socially acceptable in Vietnam but this facility was set on the side of a bush covered valley and the individual baths and rest area are semi secluded so my wife and I stripped off and spent the whole morning relaxing in the hot mud and herbal baths plus rinsing showers totally nude, dressing in loose shorts for the massage, meal and swimming in the general juccusi and heated mineral pool.
When we were leaving the attendants asked how we enjoyed ourselves and suggested that they are opening an other facility over the ridge which we might enjoy next time.
Basically I think they saw us nude and were not phased by it. Yes we are going back.

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RE: The best nude moment when I was...

Many years ago, I went camping along the Metolius River in eastern Oregon in the forests at the base of the Seven Sisters Mountains. My wife and I starting hiking thru the woods. I took off my clothes and kept hiking without carrying any clothes with me. I was quite far away from our campsite and suddenly, I don't have any clothes to put on if anyone should come along! But it was my first time to go hiking thru woods and the great outdoors nude and I have been hooked ever since.

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RE: The best nude moment when I was...

Great sharing. any pic?

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