Ever nude in front of non nudist friends?

One of the conversations i have had with others on this site is the fact that we are realizing that we will have nudist friends and non nudist friends.
I guess the question i have is have you ever gotten nude in front of non nudist friends? or have you ever asked non nudist friends if they wanted to get nude with you?
Wonder if some of our current friends would also love to get nude with us but everyone is afraid to ask LOL.

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  • 9 years ago
RE: Ever nude in front of non nudist friends?

I only have one friend that I get nude in front of and he does too but that is in the gym changing rooms so I know that doesn't count. Other than that the only people that knows Im a naturist are my workmates.
Nobody else knows about it but if they did I would never bring the subject up about getting nude together.

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  • 9 years ago
RE: Ever nude in front of non nudist friends?

I found leaving nudist publications on the coffee table a good way to get the conversation started.

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  • 9 years ago
RE: Ever nude in front of non nudist friends?

Yes to your answer. Every since I got a hot tub 20 years ago I have been very open about being a nudist. Over the years what I have found works is when a friend is here for a meal for a the first time , I greet them clothed and we eat the meal. After the meal I suggest a hot tub soak and point out the house rules which are posted above it. 1. use common sense 2. no swimsuits allowed. Far more have taken me up on an offer than i ever thought would. We strip to soak, and once out I stay nude, sometimes they do , others redress. The next time they come I often greet them nude at the door, figuring that they have seen it all before. Never had a complaint.

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  • 9 years ago
RE: Ever nude in front of non nudist friends?

I've got non-nudist friends who come over. Some are comfortable with me being nude, some aren't. I'll be nude around the comfortable ones, and stay lightly dressed around those who aren't. It just depends on circumstances.

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  • 9 years ago
RE: Ever nude in front of non nudist friends?

Yes I have.

  1. I have to admit than in two cases it didn't turn out very well. It can be a slippery slope: textiles can misinterpret your intentions; ormisunderstand the actual implications (or lack thereof) of "hanging out" with a nude friend.

  1. In order to avoid those misunderstandings or miscommunications, I think discussing nudism (the more the better) and explaining your intent are important.

  1. I've been nude around my best friend a few times. I got him to accompany me to a trip toGunnison. I hadpreviously explained to him why I wanted to go; and to expect me to go nude. He agreed to the trip; and actually went nude himself a little while after I'ddisrobed. He had a blast. But that was "destination-nudism". It's a bit easier when the textile friend knowingly accompanies you to a nudist location.
  2. Forhome-nudism, my best example is with a good friend ofmine, and it was a bit ofa reverse situation sinceit was before I became a nudist myself. Once our friendshipbecame cementedwith trust and closeness, she started letting me on to the fact that she didn't always wear clothes at home. She also drew nudes and had them hanging all over her bedroom wall (which could be substituted for nudist publications). Gradually she started wearing lighter clothing when I came fora visit. I guess she was gaugingmy reaction from the progression of her barely covered state. Until one day I went to pick her up a little early; and she cracked the door open and told me she was still nude, and I could wait for her outside or come in. At that point I'd alreadyhad seen her topless and invarious states of partially undressed, and Iwas well aware and respectful of her preference for nudity; it wasn't a "thing" for me to be around her if she was nude. I told her I was fine waiting inside if she was okwith it; at which point she smiled before letting me in. After that she didn't bother covering upif she was nude when I visited.
  3. From theperspective of the textile I was then, her gradual approach made it very easy for me to accept her home-nudity. That's probably the approach I should have taken myself.

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  • 9 years ago
RE: Ever nude in front of non nudist friends?

Sure ... all the time, at work. I even stripped as a sort of dare at a co workers friend's house while having dinner with him and his wife. Lots of wine flowing that evening. Conversation began about me and my wife being nudists and my friend and his wife said, "you can be naked if you want." My buddy started taking off his clothes and so did I. As soon as I was naked and was sitting on my shorts, she got embarrassed enough and left the table. She said as she was leaving the table, "I can't do it!" She was overweight and very self conscious about it. But found out later that once their last child left the nest, they were naked all the time!

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  • 9 years ago
RE: Ever nude in front of non nudist friends?

I have been nude with one of my non nudist friends.Funny story.
I had entered a chili cookoff at a nudist resort and did not win, so I was going back the next day to try again when my car broke down. Since I had left all my stuff at the resort, my friend towed me home and then drove me out to the resort to take part in the cook off. I missed the cook off but was able to be a judge.
I spent a couple hours hanging out in the nude, and my non nude friend at least took his shirt off, as it was hot.
I kinda dropped the nude bomb on him that day, but he has since gone skinny dipping with me once and enjoyed it.
Maybe a future nudist?
Stay Naked!

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  • 9 years ago
RE: Ever nude in front of non nudist friends?

Yes, many times. It initially started when we bought a house with a pool and we told our friends that they were welcome to come swimming whenever they liked but unless they wanted to see us naked they should call before coming over. A few friends thought it was a joke since I have a reputation as being a joker. But the weekend after we moved in we were paining the inside of the house and a friend and his wife offered to come over and help us with the painting, previous to this visit they had never seen either of us nude but knew we talked about nude excursions in the past. So when they showed us we were both naked painting the living room and his wife said "they have the right idea" painting naked you don't ruin your clothes and the paint washes off. Plus it was 90 degrees and we had the windows open for ventilation

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  • 9 years ago
RE: Ever nude in front of non nudist friends?

Not yet though a number of our friends know that we have frequently used CO beaches on holiday. I've lost count of the number of times I've been nude in the presence of non-nudist strangers on such beaches. It would simply be too embarrassing for me and my friends/relatives to be nude in front of them. I have often wondered what the reaction would I were to be caught out. I probably would quickly cover up even though by that time they would have seen everything. If non-nudist friend(s) were to come with me to a CO beach where there were nudists I think that I would go nude hoping they might try it too.
I have gardened nude at timse and my neighbors may well have seen me nude but they have never said anything.
A female friend gave me a mankini (as Borat!) as a joke and I have give her a photo of me wearing it and nude holding it shielding my groin.

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  • 9 years ago
RE: Ever nude in front of non nudist friends?

Frequently with my Scandinavian non-nudist friends - changing room before and after squash, changing room at the swimming pool, skinny-dipping and sauna (both male and female friends together), massage exchange ... Rarely with non-nudist friends from other cultures ...

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  • 9 years ago