Game Of Thrones

How about the nudity in Game of Thrones? Cersei Lanister's walk of shame with everyone shouting "Liar! Slut! Whore!" was made all the more powerful by keeping it authentic and having her (or perhaps a stunt double) nude. As with any theatrical production discussion, I am raising the topic of both the character being nude in the scene which I find totally appropriate and powerful, much more than if they had her cloaked; and the actress Lena Headey playing the part. I think back to the love scene between Jon Snow and Ygritte and how beautiful it was to have the actors play it nude. And now! (spoiler alert...don't read on if you haven't seen episode 2 of season 6) Kit Harington was nude for his scene as Jon Snow comes back to life after being dead for quite a while. I loved that he was nude. He is beautiful to look at, but more importantly for the scene, he is a man who experienced his own murder and now has come back. He not only felt the knives, but now looks down as we do at his own nude body and sees the cuts. He is reborn from being a corpse and the nudity gives him the vulnerability we are feeling as we begin to imagine what he is feeling. I loved it.

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RE: Game Of Thrones

When nudity is used to tell a story in Game of Thrones,or putting it differently, when nudity is not gratuitous, I guess that it helps all the performances and what the characters themselves are going through even more powerful - such must have been the case with that Jon Snow scene that you mentioned - but when nudity, and this is not just in Game of Thrones, is just used to keep very high ratings sometimes crossing the boundary between eroticism and pornography, the whole thing looses its edge, at least that is what I think.

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