boating nude

I purchased a kayak several months ago when i was working in Iowa to fish in the lake at the rv park i was in. I am now in Baytown and brought it with me to fish and just paddle around. where i was paddling around was an area that alot of people do not go, probly because it is shallow there. after not seeing anyone on the first trip, after clearing the launch i stripped down and got some sun. Stayed that way until i heard an airboat coming so i just covered up with my shorts until they had passed. stayed like that for several hours. I have been back several more times going to different areas and will just cover up when i here someone coming. Found an old spillway the last trip. Pulled the boat out and walked down it for a long ways and had to get a few pictures. nice day and here came the airboats again. well time to head back to the truck.

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RE: boating nude

I have wanted to kayak nude down the Deloris River in Eastern Utah and Western Colorado for a long time now, but I do not want to do it alone. There is a place we can put in that is remote, and of course. someone would have to pick us up at the exit point at the Deloris crossing east of Moab, but it is a good ten mile run and would be fun to do it nude.
I also want to get a boat and spend a nude weekend on Lake Powell. That is the ultimate. There is a company out of Indiana that only sells direct to the public, called Splendor Boats, and they make a cuddy that would be perfect for weekend trips.

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RE: boating nude

I've been lucky enough to join friends in their time-share
yachtfor a couple of week'snude sailing off the Greek
islands. Much of the time was spent moored in an peaceful inletby an olive grove grazed by goats. Itwas idyllic. We
just enjoyed the sun and some skinny-dipping. There would be other
boats moored nearby. But nobody minded that we were naked on deck.
Every so often they had to go into deep water to empty the head
tank. Iwas putinto the dingy and rowed ashore with the
mooring ropes. While sitting naked on the shore I mused on the fact
that they had taken my clothes and everything else with them. What
would I do if the goat-herd appeared? What if another boat wanted that spot? My friends did always come back
and, of course, I was ready to take the ropes out to them.

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RE: boating nude

I do get to enjoy fishin' naked from time to time on my friend's boat. There's a pic in my profile showing me in Choctawhatchee Bay, FL.

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RE: boating nude

I would say that about 80 % of the time Di and I are on a boat, we are naked, alone or with other nudists friends. We love to boat and prefer power boats but I'd love to learn to sail. Owning a boat has been a rough spot for Di and I. I want one like no one can imagine. She'd rather just rent them wherever and whenever we can.
We've been on several houseboat trips and used to own a PWC. Every time we were someplace with those that would not be comfortable with nudity, Di and I would take the rented power boat or our PWC and head out for a couple of hours to find us a secluded beach or spot to lay out and catch some sun for those hours. Getting to the secluded spot was always done naked! We'd just get clear of the houseboat and I'd stop and we'd strip and continue on. Saw some others out on the lake and they'd just wave and gives us a thumbs up.
On the river ... we'd pass many couples and even single women sunbathing naked on the banks of the Colorado. They'd see us coming and cover up with a towel. Di and I would stand up and show them we were naked too and wave. They'd smile, laugh and wave, give us thumbs up. We had lots of fun PWC'ing down the Colorado. My bucket list has "boating naked in San Diego Bay" on it. I've already done Mission Bay!

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RE: boating nude

i did a short kayak run on the lake last week. Weekday and few folks on the lake. the eastern shore has no cottages. But does have an area where boats anchor and folks swim. No one was there so i slipped out of the kayak and slipped off the suit and soaked in the water for a while with the suit tossed back in the kayak. I hope to do that many more times this summer as I get there on weekdays.

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RE: boating nude

I would say that about 80 % of the time Di and I are on a boat, we are naked, alone or with other nudists friends. We love to boat and prefer power boats but I'd love to learn to sail. Owning a boat has been a rough spot for Di and I. I want one like no one can imagine. She'd rather just rent them wherever and whenever we can.We've been on several houseboat trips and used to own a PWC. Every time we were someplace with those that would not be comfortable with nudity, Di and I would take the rented power boat or our PWC and head out for a couple of hours to find us a secluded beach or spot to lay out and catch some sun for those hours. Getting to the secluded spot was always done naked! We'd just get clear of the houseboat and I'd stop and we'd strip and continue on. Saw some others out on the lake and they'd just wave and gives us a thumbs up.On the river ... we'd pass many couples and even single women sunbathing naked on the banks of the Colorado. They'd see us coming and cover up with a towel. Di and I would stand up and show them we were naked too and wave. They'd smile, laugh and wave, give us thumbs up. We had lots of fun PWC'ing down the Colorado. My bucket list has "boating naked in San Diego Bay" on it. I've already done Mission Bay!:D

I have heard the 2 happiest days in a mans life are the day he buys his first boat and then the day he sells it. Grin

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RE: boating nude

After reading all the posts so far Imust admit I have only fantasised about boating nude. But the sun and I are not on good terms as far as my skin is concerned. No matter how much I cover up, sun screen I put on, I burn in about 15 minutes. Long ago my doctor told me to always cover up from the sum because of my completion, that I'm a prime candidate for skin cancer. So I dream about boating naked and walk in the forest instead.

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RE: boating nude

I have heard the 2 happiest days in a mans life are theday he buys his first boat and then the day he sellsit.

Every guy/gal that wants to buy a boat has heard this ... from some unhappy boat owner.If I can get my wife onboard ... I'll decide for myself! :D

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RE: boating nude

I have heard the 2 happiest days in a mans life are the day he buys his first boat and then the day he sells it. GrinThat's the second time I've heard that in less than 24 hours. Ain't life odd :-)
This one is for sale

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RE: boating nude

Two years ago my brother bought a 42 ft. houseboat in southern Ws. and be brought it down the Ms. river. I would go up on the roof and get naked it was so exciting sitting in a chair meeting other boats and waving at them! My wife caught me but would not join me.

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