
I just got finished watering my wife's containers. I was nude of course. We are going out of town next week for 10 days and I was wondering the best way to keep them watered while gone. My sister-in-law is able to come over a couple of times during that period, but some of the containers dry out in a day or so if we get no rain. It has been cool and rainy here, but is now becoming hot and dry. Would it help if I set them in a pan or bucketof water so they could soak up water from the bottom? Will they get too much water that way? Thanks.

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RE: Watering

The best way is to use containers that are self watering, but they are quite expensive. If the pot has holes in the bottom you can put them in a pan of water. I have never had a problem doing this.

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RE: Watering

If you have a shady area in your garden you can put the containers there as this will help to reduce the amount of watering they will need.

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RE: Watering

I filled 2 liter bottle full of water and added a small hole in the on the cap (turned the bottle upside down) with a paper towel stuck in the end.
Keeps the soil most while your out. Sun heats the water forces it out.
Hope this helps

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RE: Watering

Thanks for all the helpful hints. I will try them.

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RE: Watering

Yes place the pots in containers filled with water. They will use what they need

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