Folly Beach

Hey yall,Ive heard that down on the far end of Folly its far enough out and the dunes are positioned just right that people go nude down there. I think its the end near the lighthouse.Does anyone know about this or have you done it?

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RE: Folly Beach

Hey yall,Ive heard that down on the far end of Folly its far enough out and the dunes are positioned just right that people go nude down there. I think its the end near the lighthouse.Does anyone know about this or have you done it?Thanks

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RE: Folly Beach

Hey yall,Ive heard that down on the far end ofFolly its far enough out and the dunes are positioned just rightthat people go nude down there. I think its the end near thelighthouse.Does anyone know about this or have you doneit?Thanks
Let me know what you find out. I havnt been to the beach in ages!
Would be a plus if there was a nude spot on the beach near there.

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RE: Folly Beach

I go to Folly often. At the north end of the island, where the light house is, there is a beach that follows the river which defines the north end of Folly Island. it is a cresent shape. if you walk well up the beach, all people coming your way must walk around a narrow part of the beach. if you lay out, you can easily see people coming. if they come around the corner and you have to cover up, it will take them a half hour to walk past you to the end of the beach and back. I'm afraid it is mostly just agrevating trying to get a little nude time in. a few guys go down there and try. I thinkthe risk and the little bit of nude time is not worth it. on the other hand, it's a nice beach and you just might get some nude time. before june and after august, the kids go back to school and there are way fewer people. and after about 3:00 pm , the beach usually is fairly deserted.

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RE: Folly Beach

Several of the photos in my profile were taken at the far north end of the beach last year. I was out about as far as you can go at the tip of the island. It was great to be nude out in the open, but I was interrupted a bit by having to keep an eye out for the occasional people walking down the beach, and there was a bit of boat traffic in the inlet to watch for.

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RE: Folly Beach

Hey, I was there just Sunday a week ago. Many times last summer.The dunes are all roped off for the bird nesting area. It is true that people will have to walk a long ways before you have to cover up.
Still you have to cover up.Last year I always went during the week.The few guys there stripped down and not many beach walkers. The few that do walk do seem to expect to see bare butts and just look ahead while they are walking. One day I had the whole beach to myself for the day.This year I started my tanning on a Sunday and lots of people there. Not much of a chance to strip drown but I did burn my butt in the little time between walkers.G-strings are suppose to be okay there. I had no problem last year and that is what I covered up with.Still play it by ear and don't offend anyone and you should be okay and not ruin it for everyone else.

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RE: Folly Beach

So I found myself on Folly Beach again this Friday.It is a
lot more relaxed on a weekday! Not nearly the people or
traffic.I spoke to a local young lady who did dress as I
approached and said that she had been coming here for 8 years and
its crazy on the weekend but has never seen a problem on the
weekdays.She recommended covering up if someone walks by or
if a boat comes close. She did say that if the walkers are tanned
they are most likely coming for the same reason to lay out. I was
able to strip down and get a couple hours of sun. I just wadded my
suit into my crotch if I had to cover or if i was on my belly
tanning the backside I did not worry as I face the water so they
really don't get a good view of anything. She did say that there was
one guy tanning and two women skinny dipping further down so
with her and me and the other two guys that came up after me
there was only the 7 of us all day. Two couples walking by
separately came bye and returned a couple high school age girls
that talked real loud but did not look my way came and went and
another single guy that spoke to everyone and must have know most
as he told me of walking the beach everyday and cleaning up trash.
He only had a small bag as the beach is clean! The walkers and maybe
4 boat were the only times I had to cover up all afternoon. A good
day at the beach.

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RE: Folly Beach

So I take it the northend of Folly is the only plausible beach around? I strip down while kayaking most times, but sometimes it would be nice just to layout and get a little rest.

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RE:Folly Beach

I've been naked at Folly several times already this season. Tuesdays and Wednesdays are my favorites, when there are fewer tourists and more peeps simply catching rays.

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RE:Folly Beach

Thanks for the info on folly , hope to make it out their soon...

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RE:Folly Beach

Thanks for the info on folly , hope to make it out their soon...

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