anybody in indianapolis?

Is there anybody here from indianapolis? I'm new to all this and was just wondering if there was anybody close by who could introduce me to the lifestyle.

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RE: anybody in indianapolis?

I know there are several folks in Indy that are on TN. I might suggest you fill out your profile with some sort of a pic so they have a better idea who you are and what your about.

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RE: anybody in indianapolis?

I just looked at your profile. There isn't anything there? Nudists
are the nicest people you will ever know, butIam also
suspicious about people who do not open up to us. Since
whenwe are nude, we are not hiding anything about ourselves,
I expect others to be just as open about themselves, even if they
do not get nude.I live within an hour of Indy and am willing to
chat with you. Because I do understand if you haven't been
nude socially it is a huge step to take to open up to other

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RE:anybody in indianapolis?

We live about an hour and a half to the north. But we do visit and have nude friends near Indy. Spent NYE2016 there with a TN friend. We would be glad to walk you through.

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