Euronat or Cap D Agde, Which for camping?

late August or Sept.
Euronat seems more extensive, but Cap D Agde more fun,
weather better south, better waves west ...can't decide, arrrrgh!! Please, please help !!

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RE: Euronat or Cap D Agde, Which for camping?

From all the trips reports, forum posts and actually talking to a couple that visitedbothplaces, with their children, Euronat is best for camping.

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RE:Euronat or Cap D Agde, Which for camping?

hey beachtree .. i am curoius what didyou decide to go to. i have the same for next summer.

i guess euronat is nicer because more facilities

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RE:Euronat or Cap D Agde, Which for camping?

We are there again end of August and September. 4th Time.

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