RE: Private Profiles

I'll try to fill in some more on my profile as I can think of stuff to post about us, but I'm not posting pictures.Ifwe can't be friends without seeingeach otherthen I feel you're not a true nudist since isn't that the point? Acceptance without regards to appearence?
This isn't about pictures or appearance, it's about not knowing who's hiding, and it really is hiding, in amongst a group of nudists. If someone sends me a friends request, firstly I want to know a little about them: their age and gender at least, and I don't think that's unreasonable. By all means protect your photographs so that only your friends can see them, but at least let us know who you are so we can decide if we'd like to be a friend.
I gotta agree with you karhuuk, the profiles should be visible, The pic's are fine being freinds only. There are too many people out there these days wanting to use your info against you if they can for what ever reasons.

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RE: Private Profiles

My profile is visible, my pictures are not, nor will they ever be on the internet.
And just how would you know my pictures are of me anyway, anyone can post any picture, unless we meet face to face it really is a trust issue.

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