Day 3 without clothing

I often walk around the house nude but it's usually only for a short while. For one reason or another (errands & responsibilities) the fun has to come to an end. As of late I've been blessed with the opportunity to stay and work from home. Now my day consists of waking up, reluctantly putting on shorts (usually swimwear), walking the dog, and getting naked the second I step back into the door.

I love being able to shower in the morning and remain nude (almost) all day. The first day it felt a little weird because I felt I had to mind any open window, but after day three of not wearing clothes I've come to realize that if a neighbor decides to glance my way that's their problem. I am so much happier and stress free cooking, eating, cleaning, dancing, and painting in the nude. In fact, my creative side has really has really developed now that I am 100% free.

I do have to go to school a few hours a day and I can tell you that I hate every minute of having to wear clothes! I usually wear the bear minimum (again, swimwear) and walk around barefoot the second I reach the classroom. I really wish there were classes dedicated for nudist students...especially for art majors. It would be an awesome social experiment to see if nudist art students produce much more liberated work than non-nudists students.

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RE: Day 3 without clothing

I often walk around the house nude but it's usually only for a short while. For one reason or another (errands & responsibilities) the fun has to come to an end. As of late I've been blessed with the opportunity to stay and work from home. Now my day consists of waking up, reluctantly putting on shorts (usually swimwear), walking the dog, and getting naked the second I step back into the door. I love being able to shower in the morning and remain nude (almost) all day. The first day it felt a little weird because I felt I had to mind any open window, but after day three of not wearing clothes I've come to realize that if a neighbor decides to glance my way that's their problem. I am so much happier and stress free cooking, eating, cleaning, dancing, and painting in the nude. In fact, my creative side has really has really developed now that I am 100% free. I do have to go to school a few hours a day and I can tell you that I hate every minute of having to wear clothes! I usually wear the bear minimum (again, swimwear) and walk around barefoot the second I reach the classroom. I really wish there were classes dedicated for nudist students...especially for art majors. It would be an awesome social experiment to see if nudist art students produce much more liberated work than non-nudists students.So, when you can - you usually wear swimwear to walk the dog?
And to be at a school? Barefoot, swimwear.....Classroom. What sort of school?

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