Non-landed Upstate SC group

I would love to get a non-landed Upstate group going.
Where we go hangout at each others place and pool. Anyone interested in helping me put this together?

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RE: Non-landed Upstate SC group

Go to CFH and would enjoy meeting others tho I live near Columbia.Would this group be open to all or follow the guidelines in yourprofile of who you'd like to meet? Just a well traveled,adventured Old Happy Single Therian Male Naturistslooking to meet others in the SC area.That's a good question. If had my way it would be the kind of people have outlined in my profile. Simply because that's what I'm looking for. However I know that is not how the world works. I am open to all kinds of people, we would just need to keep it to as close to a 50/50 mix of men and women as possible. If not myself and everyone else will lose interest. Then we are right back to what is in the Upstate now. Nothing.

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RE: Non-landed Upstate SC group

WOW I have been trying for about a year now and have had very little interest. What is it about the Upstate? I would really love to hang out with other couples.

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RE: Non-landed Upstate SC group

Probs putting too many constraints on it. I.e. prefer couples, prefer younger, prefer certain activities. Nudists are a very small minority in SC in general. Once you start sub-dividing, its very easy to whittle it down to nobody. My recommendation is to start becoming a regular at that Creek or Carolina Foothills and migrate from there.
You must not have read my post, I said I'm open to everyone however the only response is that I have gotten are from gay guys. I am simply not going to be involved in a group with my wife when it's only gay dudes.

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RE: Non-landed Upstate SC group

Go to CFH and would enjoy meeting others tho I live near Columbia.Would this group be open to all or follow the guidelines in yourprofile of who you'd like to meet? Just a well traveled,adventured Old Happy Single Therian Male Naturistslooking to meet others in the SC area.Travelites southeast and adjacent to Columbia welcome all people of good character. The daily ground fee for members is $2 and non-members is $5. There are 2 special events monthly that cost @$5.

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RE: Non-landed Upstate SC group

. Being and enjoying nudeshould be free, it's why they called it FREE BEACHS in the 1970's.The aanr is not into anything free.No money in it,..., the aanrwill casually walk away.I would LOVE to see circles of friends and not clubs take back theWay of Life,..., this LIFESTYLE stuff isvenomous. Wasin the Primal Naturists inVirginia in the 1970's and it was a Clan of over 300FRIENDS. We saw each other all the time, some daily out atthe once secluded Cape Henry beach on the point at Ft Henry at themouth of the Chesapeake. Folks now have no idea what awonderful life we had before the $$$$ and those like the aanr foundthe profit in being naked.TNS has not thrown SC under the bus at all. AANR is a non-profit and doesn't make much money. Travelites' admission fees are the lowest you'll find in this area: daily for members is $2 and non-members is $5/person or $25/coupld

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