
So here is the mystery. I do lectures and workshops on organic gardening and I would say at least 90% of all my participants are women. I host interns every year through and organization called WWOOF and at least 90% of the interns are women. But out of the 1700+ members of this group, probably 90% are men. So why the disparity?
Any thoughts?

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RE: Conundrum

It appears that women like organic gardening and men like on line nudity. 90% of TN members are men.

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RE: Conundrum

My sister pointed out something about the WWOOF gender disparity,
too: most volunteers, in any program, are women; men are more focused on getting paid. I suspect that
part of the disparity in workshops and classes is the old
men-won't-ask-directions problem: taking a class in something you
are already doing risks losing status, by admitting there's
something you don't know. And yea, as Olly says, men like online

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RE: Conundrum

And if you said the only correct way to do organic gardening is nude I wonder what they would say!!!!!

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RE: Conundrum

My sister pointed out something about the WWOOF gender disparity,too: most volunteers, in any program, are women; men are more focused on getting paid. I suspect thatpart of the disparity in workshops and classes is the oldmen-won't-ask-directions problem: taking a class in something youare already doing risks losing status, by admitting there'ssomething you don't know. And yea, as Olly says, men like onlinenudity...Very good points, Steve. I think all of these answers add up to the big disparity. It's also interesting that the female gardening interns are much more likely to garden nude once they've tried it. I've had several repeat visits by women who say the main reason to return is because they can be naked here.

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RE: Conundrum

What is WWOOF? Tell more about it. Is there an email address that I can check it out at?

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RE: Conundrum

What is WWOOF? Tell more about it. Is there an email address that I can check it out at?Just use google and see what comes up and you will find they are in most area of the world and quite a few places in the USA and it looks like where people can get their hands dirty helping on an organic farm.

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RE: Conundrum

WWOOF stands for "World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms". It's an organization that mates people that want to learn organic farming with farms needing help. Typically they trade room and board for 4 hours of work per day. It is usually younger, college age kids. I have been doing it for about 6 years now and it has been wonderful.

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