How to ask a person whether he is a nudist

How to ask a person whether he/she is a nudist without he/she
thinking me as some kind pervert.

In India, it is very rare to find a real naturist people. If i meet
someone, it most often ends up with awkward situations. So when you
find a real one, its hard not judge them. I know a few people enjoy
nudism but it depends on situations like in Movies or Shows or
Being Drunk not in sexual kind of way. But are they real nudist???
Do they enjoy nudism??? I dont know.

Me and my friends were at a party last week. We were like drinking
all day. We went to the pool and we were wet. When we got back to
our room, we were so lazy to get into new clothes. We just removed
our wet clothes and started drinking again. We know that we were
naked but still there is no sexual thing involved. We had dinner
naked. We slept together on same bed. But nothing happened. Morning
we woke up and we were naked like for 2 hours until we went for
breakfast. These friends are not nudists. I dont know is it right
to ask them about it. I dont want them judging me and dont wanna
lose a same moment if it happens just because i asked a

I love to hangout with people nude. How to get to know a person
whether he/she is nudist??? any suggestions.

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