I have noticed that this site will sometimes add unwanted
characters to posted comments. ...And sometimes people add
unwanted or misspelled characters, by mistake... then make an
entirely new post trying to correct those
mistakes. ... FYI: You can edit your own
comments, on forums that have a pencil icon at the top of
your comment, to correct those mistakes... Just click on the
pencil icon to gain access to those comments. Also...
you may have to double space (using theenter key)
to leave a space between paragraphs, otherwise the blog
software may not leave any space there... ]] this. ^^
One more thing..."Quotation Marks" are often
removed by the software, the 1st time you try to post them in a
comment, but they can be replaced with an edit.
I have noticed that this site will sometimes add unwantedcharacters to posted comments. ...And sometimes people addunwanted or misspelled characters, by mistake... then make anentirely new post trying to correct thosemistakes. ... FYI: You can edit your owncomments, on forums that have a pencil icon at the top ofyour comment, to correct those mistakes... Just click on thepencil icon to gain access to those comments. may have to double space (using theenter key)to leave a space between paragraphs, otherwise the blogsoftware may not leave any space there... ]] this. ^^One more thing..."Quotation Marks" are oftenremoved by the software, the 1st time you try to post them in acomment, but they can be replaced with an edit.
Good idea! Had to learn this by trial and error - wish it had been posted several years ago. Hope new comers can find it.
I will sometimes write a small piece as a Microsoft Word document and paste it into the text box. It seems to work well. The advantage is you get to keep it on a big format and review it for errors. I've also had this box loose the entire paragraph after a few lines.