What happened in 2012 for nudist

I have noticed that on most nudist sites,
there were a lot of people that joined around 2012. It seemed to be
the year of the nudist

but then most of them haven't logged back into their profiles
since. Does anyone know what happened around that year that caused

an interest in the nude lifestyle?

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RE: What apened in 20012 for nudist

It could be a lot of spammers/fake profiles which haven't been on this site sense that time against a lot of interest.

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RE: What apened in 20012 for nudist

We still have thousands of years to go, to find out how many will actually join in 20012.

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RE: What apened in 20012 for nudist

We still have thousands of years to go, to find out how many will actually join in 20012.I doubt if the human race will still exist in another 17,996 years from now.

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