Chime in on this thought!
Well I don't find nudity boring but rather self-affirming and freeing in this textile dominated world. As for honesty it is one of the most important aspects of our character. Honesty, even when dangerous, affirms our sense of self respect andengendersit in others.
Hmmm. Boring is not a word I would associate with either nudity or honesty. Nudity to me is relaxing, invigorating, comfortable, cooling, freeing...
Honesty is refreshing, exciting, sometimes controversial, appreciated, lol -and some times not appreciated!
Hmmm. Boring is not a word I would associate with either nudity or honesty. Nudity to me is relaxing, invigorating, comfortable, cooling, freeing...Honesty is refreshing, exciting, sometimes controversial, appreciated, lol -and some times not appreciated!Jen
I think Jen has the best answer, so far. Perhaps Chuck should get a life, but this isn't the place to diagnose whether anybody needs professional help.
The most boring thing in the entire world is nudity. The second most boring thing is honesty. Chuck Palahniuk, Invisible Monsters, 1999
You are right; but the truth of the matter is that this is not about being nude. This is about being able to live nude -- to perform your daily routine without clothing.
And, as previously stated: When someone says, "I am bored," it usually means, "I am boring."
I want to be bored...
I find neither nudism or honesty boring.
I view nudism, particularly social nudism, a special occasion, which I have too little opportunity to enjoy. Therefore, I am never bored. Whether involved in a volley ball game, splashing in the pool or simply reading a book in the shade surrounded by like minded people, I find it to be pleasurable and uplifting.
Certainly not boring.
Nor do I find honesty boring. We can be consistently honest in our business or professional relationships, however, honesty in our social relationships is dynamic. We can in all honesty tell someone Your hair looks great, today. We can see pleasure in their eyes as they react to the honest compliment.
On another occasion, we could with the same degree of honesty declare, Your hair looks as if a pack of rats is living there. Unless we happen to be, hateful, spiteful individuals, our honest opinions are sometimes best kept to ourselves.