A message to Prospective members of Driving in the Nude group ...

I get many members of TN wanting to join this group. Like all the groups I moderate, membership requires the moderator, me, to approve your membership. This takes time but I feel it keeps the group filled with those that are here on TN and on many of the groups that I moderate, here for the right reasons.
I WILL NOT approve any prospective members request to join this or any of my groups with MINIMUALLY filled out, BLANK or PRIVATE profiles. I also WILL NOT approve ANY member that has pictures of themselves in their profile with an erection (males) or photos where the main focus of the picture is of their genitalia.
Those of you that have recently joined. If you'd like to resubmit your request to join after filling out your profile and deleting those types of pictures I mentioned, you're free to do so but I do check everyone's profile before accepting your request for membership to Driving in the Nude group or any other group I moderate.

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