My first really nude experience

The following experience really happened back 1983. I think. I had planned a 2 week vacation and followed US Highway 90 to Arizona for I wanted to visit Shangra-La Nudist Club. I began to spend too much time in the hot tub (nude of course!). After a while I left the hot tub but passed out right there in front of other people. The ambulance was called and I was transported to a hospital nearby. Iwas still nude and the attendant stated he would like to try the lifestyle when I invited him to do so. I was finally treated and released to go back to the club. Luckily a couple I had befriended drove my car so I would have a way to return to the club. The one thing I learned from this is that I have high blood pressure and, most importantly I truly enjoy the nude lifestyle. I went back there years later to complete my enjoyment with new nude friends.

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RE: My first really nude experience

This wasn't my first nude experience but it was something similar
to yours. I'd had a long, arduous and tiring journey to the nude
resort about an hour south of Barcelona, Spain. Stupidly I tried to
swim the width of the pool, exhausted I sank to the bottom and
passed out. The next thing I knew I was surrounded by paramedics
beating me back into life. They must have been surprised to be
dealing with a naked patient and surrounded by naked onlookers but
that didn't interfere with the expert efficiency in the way they
worked. The university hospital was just a half hour's drive away
but a helicopter was sent for me. As I was put aboard a paramedic
reassured me that I had a 50% chance of survival. Well, I
thought,that was much better odds than a few minutes earlier.
I remember being passed through clinic after clinic for tests and X
rays, naked throughout and then admitted to intensive care. I spent
several days there with tubes and wires attached everywhere. It was
medically convenient that I was naked. And my nudity made my stay
more pleasant.I enjoyed all those young doctors and nurses seeing me naked as they gathered round my bed discussing my treatment. The care was brilliant, especially the
bed-baths. A visitor did bring some clothes in for me a few
days later. I don't need to say that I fully recovered. It was a
couple of years ago. I was clinically dead when they fished me out
of the pool. It just goes to show there is life after death.

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RE: My first really nude experience

This wasn't my first nude experience but it was something similarto yours. I'd had a long, arduous and tiring journey to the nuderesort about an hour south of Barcelona, Spain. Stupidly I tried toswim the width of the pool, exhausted I sank to the bottom andpassed out. The next thing I knew I was surrounded by paramedicsbeating me back into life. They must have been surprised to bedealing with a naked patient and surrounded by naked onlookers butthat didn't interfere with the expert efficiency in the way theyworked. The university hospital was just a half hour's drive awaybut a helicopter was sent for me. As I was put aboard a paramedicreassured me that I had a 50% chance of survival. Well, Ithought,that was much better odds than a few minutes earlier.I remember being passed through clinic after clinic for tests and Xrays, naked throughout and then admitted to intensive care. I spentseveral days there with tubes and wires attached everywhere. It wasmedically convenient that I was naked. And my nudity made my staymore pleasant.I enjoyed all those young doctors and nurses seeing me naked as they gathered round my bed discussing my treatment. The care was brilliant, especially thebed-baths. A visitor did bring some clothes in for me a fewdays later. I don't need to say that I fully recovered. It was acouple of years ago. I was clinically dead when they fished me outof the pool. It just goes to show there is life after death.Anything you had a lifetime membership in before this happened is done! You'll have to re-join. :-)
Seriously, I'm glad they got to you in time.

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RE: My first really nude experience

My truly first nude experience came in my middle 20's!! I was in the Navy stationed in Alameda, Ca. on a carrier!! During our work up for cruise wee would go down off the coast of SoCal and fly!! We pulled into North Island Naval Station one Thursday for week end liberty!! On Saturday a couple of my buddies said let's go to the beach!! Well after some convincing I agreed! We went to Black's Beach, and was it a rush for me to see all the nude people men, women, and children all having a ball with no clothes at all on!! I stripped off my jeans and trunks and I was in where I belonged!! My 2 buddies looked at me like what are you doing Dude!! I looked at Kamau he was from the big island, I said come on Rick I know you skinny dipped in Hawaii!!It was agreat day!! It took a while to get our other buddy undressed though!! This was other than being nude in and out of showers among sailors was my first public nudity!! August 1976 a great liberty weekend!! My last trip to Black's was in August 1987!!

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RE: My first really nude experience

My first really nude experience wasn't nearly as exciting as the ones already mentioned. I was living in New Hampshire and had joined the Naturist Society. I looked around for local nudist spots, and found that Naturist New Hampshire (a non-landed club) was having a meeting in my area. Might have been a nude swim at a health club - I don't really remember now, after almost 30 years. I went with my wife, we signed in, stripped down, and enjoyed meeting and talking to people. We played in the pool and watched some of the more active people playing wallball. It was good - we were NNH members until we left New England in 1995, and visited several of the nudist camps in the area.

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