NEWT 2016, naked hiking

I'm describing my week at this year's Naked European Walking Tour
(NEWT). I will try to illustrate it. Photos can no longer be put in
topics like this but I can show the link to a photo in my profile.
Copy the link and paste it in the address bar at the top of your
screen. Than hit the --] arrow at the right hand end to see the
photo. Use the blue

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RE: NEWT 2016

Monday's hike was from Embach, well to the south. We parked on the
edge of the village and started uphill. Each day there needs to be
a leader and a tail-end-Charlie - a sort of sheep dog to round up
the stragglers. We had a real sheep dog with us, Polly. But she was
more intent on chasing sticks, not rounding up stray nudists. So I
was it.

Today's hike would be 14km (just under 9 miles), climbing
860m (1010 to 1870m). Sign posts pointed to an Alpine bar. But it
was Monday, their day off. There was nothing eventful until Richard
said that we want to go just over there. We strayed off the marked
path through woodland and eventually down an almost vertical slope
to find a new path.

Then we made it up to the ridge for lunch. A small number of us
went up to a nearby peak for lots of photos. As tail-end-Charlie I
had to count to make sure nobody had been left behind. There were
23 of us. We took a photo to prove it.

In the evening there was time for a beer on the terrace before
helping prep the bits for the evening meal. There was a second,
tent group of around 8. These intrepid nomads joined us ready for
Tuesday's hike.

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RE: NEWT 2016

sounds like you had a good time. when i try your link it takes me to my own photos????

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RE: NEWT 2016

Yea, same thing with me. I'm a paid member. A link I create to one of my OWN photos works fine. If I change a digit so it's not mine, it does not take me to another photo, but redirects to my own Pictures tab. So I guess the loss of embedded photos is pretty complete.

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RE: NEWT 2016

That's a pity about the photos links.I've changedthem
to different links. Is it better? Anyhow you can see them and many
more from NEWT in my profile. And the story continues:

On Tuesday we all started direct from the Hut, following the narrow
road beyond the Hut until we turned onto a mountain track. It was
raining so I had an umbrella whilst staying naked. After 4.5 km and
only 200m climb (to 1300m) we came to an Alpine bar which was open.
With well over 20 in the group and no other customers the owner
agreed that we could have drinks in the nude. We enjoyed beer,
shandy, squash, buttermilk and some cakes and stayed for an

The weather broke soon after we set off, now on a steep uphill
climb. It poured down. Thunder crashed and lighting flashed around
the surrounding mountains. Was it safe to continue upwards? After
another 1.5 km and 300m climb (to 1600m) we paused. It was agreed
that we could split up with half heading back to the Hut whilst the
others continued upwards. I was going down. Rolland, the leader of
the tent group knew a more direct way down. So he led the way. We
followed a lovely path through the woods, soon being just above the
Hut. Our route out was 6km. The route home was 3km. The weather
cleared on our way down. So we enjoyed lunch outdoors and
sunbathing in the afternoon

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RE: NEWT 2016

The week had given me the impression that Richard , our leader,
underestimated distances, times and heights climbed. He is so much
fitter than me.

A few of ushad discussed the possibility of a lower, warmer
hike for the last day. But all this was forgotten - we would follow
Richard wherever he took us. A 3.5 km drive (Richard said it was
2km) took us to the start of Friday's hike. It turned out to be 2
hours each way, just 11.5 km and a 500m gentle climb. But it was
cold and wet. Our destination was at the westernmost point of
Sunday's hike at 1507m. Here we had lunch comically dressed in
thick tops and waterproofs but no pants. Some continued upwards but
most of us returned to the starting point. A brief spell of sun got
some of us out of our clothes. The sun soon went and only 2 or 3 of
us stayed naked all the way down. I was one.

The evening brought sad farewells as we had to leave very early in
the morning. Naked hugs all round.

We had climbed higher than any mountain in the UK. The highest (Ben Nevis in Scotland) is only 1343m high, roughlythe height of that bar where we had naked drinks on the Tuesday.

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RE: NEWT 2016

What a great adventure

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RE: NEWT 2016

what a great experience and adventure.

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RE: NEWT 2016

yep, those links work. some great shots there, looks like you mob had a great time. cant view on your profile, i am too tight to pay for membership........ harley

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RE: NEWT 2016, naked hiking

Nice story and report of this great event- you are a perfekt
writer. the newt is really a great international adventure - i m
waiting for the 2017 week now">]wishes

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RE: NEWT 2016, naked hiking

I'm booked in for 1017 NEWT. It will be another great week.

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