Which country is most nudist friendly?

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RE: Which country is most nudist friendly?

If anyone like to share any experience please...

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RE: Which country is most nudist friendly?

Although I like French nudism I think that it has to be between Holland, Germany and the Spanish islands.

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RE: Which country is most nudist friendly?

Definitely not Vietnam

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RE: Which country is most nudist friendly?

I think the eastern European countries seem to be the most accepting. You see pictures of their beaches where you get lots of people all ages nude and they are sitting there mixed with textiles and no one seems to be bothered.

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RE: Which country is most nudist friendly?

Definitely not Vietnam

Similarly to Vietnam - Sri Lanka is a great country in many ways - but don't come here if active public nudism is what you are looking for ...

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RE: Which country is most nudist friendly?

Europe is for sure the best place for nudism.Spain, France, Italy and Croatia are the best places for it where you can find many public nudist beaches.While I have not been to Italy, I understand from other European naturists that it is not a very naturist friendly country, possibly owing to past Vatican influence.

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RE: Which country is most nudist friendly?

Definitely not the U.S., where Puritanism reigns supreme. Of
European countries, I'd rank Germany, Spain, and Croatia.

Haven't been to Australia but would guess it ranks pretty high as well.

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RE: Which country is most nudist friendly?

I always found beaches to be nude in France, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Greek Islands. Mainland Germany are a lot of lakes to be nude.

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RE: Which country is most nudist friendly?

I always found beaches to be nude in France, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Greek Islands. Mainland Germany are a lot of lakes to be nude.I mean in mostly every town at north sea and at baltic sea in germany you've got an nude beach area! Not only lakes. I live at baltic sea and my home town has two of them. Most at the beginning and at the end of the beaches :-)

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RE: Which country is most nudist friendly?

definitely not Italy

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