A clean sack and shaft less masculine? Bs.

I'm a huge fan of shaving my balls. Been that way for as long as I can remember. I trim my shaft all around to my balls and to my pelvis. Clean shaft feels better in my hand and my lovers mouth. As to the rest, I trim it using a guard on my electric trimmer to about 1/2 inch. It's the same length for my chest and armpits and legs. Try it. It's not really shaped, just cut back so no bush. As to the masculinity factor, let all the rhetoric go. A man is a man is a man. Got a cock? You're a man everyday. Some of my very muscular body builder buddies shave everything, no fur anywhere, even their ass crack. They are more of a man in some respects than me, but hairless cock and balls. Anyway. Be yourself. It grows back.

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RE: A clean sack and shaft less masculine? Bs.

Works for me, that's all I trim

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RE: A clean sack and shaft less masculine? Bs.

I'm a huge fan of shaving my balls. Been that way for as long as I can remember. I trim my shaft all around to my balls and to my pelvis. Clean shaft feels better in my hand and my lovers mouth. As to the rest, I trim it using a guard on my electric trimmer to about 1/2 inch. It's the same length for my chest and armpits and legs. Try it. It's not really shaped, just cut back so no bush. As to the masculinity factor, let all the rhetoric go. A man is a man is a man. Got a cock? You're a man everyday. Some of my very muscular body builder buddies shave everything, no fur anywhere, even their ass crack. They are more of a man in some respects than me, but hairless cock and balls. Anyway. Be yourself. It grows back.

Thanks for sharing. I think your routine sounds fine and would probably suit those guys who don't consider themselves to have enough time for more specific manscaping

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RE: A clean sack and shaft less masculine? Bs.

I know I have meet some lady's who think that you are lesser of a man if you shave down there......

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RE: A clean sack and shaft less masculine? Bs.

I know I have meet some lady's who think that you are lesser of a man if you shave down there......Sounds like they've got issues you don't need! idiots!

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RE: A clean sack and shaft less masculine? Bs.

Like you said... you got a cock? You're a man! Like it or not, you're a man! haha. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder... in this case, trimmed or shaved cock and balls and bush. Shave or trim or leave it bushy.... has nothing to do with masculinity. It has everything to do with how you carry yourself, how you act or how you are, NOT whether you shave your cock and balls and bush.

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RE: A clean sack and shaft less masculine? Bs.

Like you said... you got a cock? You're a man! Like it or not, you're a man! haha. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder... in this case, trimmed or shaved cock and balls and bush. Shave or trim or leave it bushy.... has nothing to do with masculinity. It has everything to do with how you carry yourself, how you act or how you are, NOT whether you shave your cock and balls and bush.Indeed ;)

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RE: A clean sack and shaft less masculine? Bs.

I don't see where having hair or lack of it makes you any more or any less of a man. Just like having a beard or not makes you any more either way.

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RE: A clean sack and shaft less masculine? Bs.

I'm a huge fan of shaving my balls. Been that way for as long as I can remember. I trim my shaft all around to my balls and to my pelvis. Clean shaft feels better in my hand and my lovers mouth. As to the rest, I trim it using a guard on my electric trimmer to about 1/2 inch. It's the same length for my chest and armpits and legs. Try it. It's not really shaped, just cut back so no bush. As to the masculinity factor, let all the rhetoric go. A man is a man is a man. Got a cock? You're a man everyday. Some of my very muscular body builder buddies shave everything, no fur anywhere, even their ass crack. They are more of a man in some respects than me, but hairless cock and balls. Anyway. Be yourself. It grows back.At one point in college I shaved it all a couple of times, it got to be time consuming and I hated the hair growing in on my legs and butt like thousands of needles. And lots of trouble with ingrowns too. Over the years I've played around with varieties of levels of bush above my shaft and a happy trail - the latter I feel I need as otherwise it gets irritated by my pants (dang pants). But I do shave my shaft smooth and sac too, I like the way this feels and looks. Everyone has their own preferences and rationale. And you're right, if you try something new and don't like it, it will grow back.

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RE: A clean sack and shaft less masculine? Bs.

Even my "straight" godson shaves his balls. It's no less masculine than the next dude. I have showed him the nudist path and fortunately we enjoy nude time together. His balls are clean. So are mine. We are both confidant men. Masculinity and hairy balls are unrelated. Lol. Women who think men who are interested in making their junk manicured are less of men, here's my message. Your shallowness about body hair is just as pervasive as your needed shame to wear clothing. You are in NO place to judge. If you like the man, then let him manage his cock. :). It's still his.

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RE: A clean sack and shaft less masculine? Bs.

Very true.

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