Hi thots abute nudism

Besides making friends and chating is anyone are wiling to promote
nudism like making grups or federetion,like Lgtp/ why i am feleng
like criminal in greece becose i am nudist,and why the majority of
nudist are men ???

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RE: Hi thots abute nudism

To answer one question, why are the vast majority of men nudist? It is my belief that men are just more comfortable being nude as we tend not to be as modest as most women are!! I also feel like a criminal here in America where nudity is frowned upon by a vast number of people!!

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RE: Hi thots abute nudism

I live In the USA and I can not find anyone that lives it either, or at least in a short distance. I can drive and do occasionally find some one that says they are, but it always turns out all they want is sex and they are not real nudist either

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RE: Hi thots abute nudism

Depending on the area you live in has a lot to do with it. Thee don't seem to be that many men that are open to being nudists, even at the gyms they either don't shower and change or do it in their undies or swimsuits. I would say over all only about 40% are open about being nude in the locker room. Some of the larger cities I have been too are more like 75-85% nude friendly and most do not shower before and after using the wet areas.

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RE: Hi thots abute nudism

I live in Canada, I know the feeling..I can't even find people in my city that live the lifestyle, I'm sure they're out there but very private , I don't drive and the nude beach is a ways away my gf will drive there though but it'd be nice if it was more acceptable . I've been Trying to find something nude in my city that I could perhaps bus to but nothing . I have had thoughts about starting something in my city to promote it but I don't know where to begin.

Hey, I recently discovered a little gem in my neighborhood. It's the only place quite like it in all of the US, to my knowledge, although they are apparently frequent in parts of Europe. If you're looking to start something in a city, not focused on sex, but open to nudity, I can't think of a better business. Check out Common Ground Wellness Center under my locations. The really interesting thing is that they are a cooperative, so you "buy in" to be a member, but you can also just be a visitor if you don't want to make the modest commitment.

There is another place in town (Common Ground's previous location, actually) that also has spas, sensory deprivation tanks, saunas, etc but is only clothing optional on gender nights, not coed.

I think you should do an exploratory business trip to Portland, Oregon. Let me know when you arrive. :)

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RE: Hi thots abute nudism

why the majority ofnudist are men ???
I think its because men are more predatory and more sexually oriented than women. Men are taught to pursue women and women are taught to be more submissive. Plus, there's the testosterone factor.

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RE: Hi thots abute nudism

why the majority ofnudist are men ???
I think its because men are more predatory and more sexually oriented than women. Men are taught to pursue women and women are taught to be more submissive. Plus, there's the testosterone factor.
Ewww as a guy I hate to say it, I think your right. Way to many times I've been ashamed of my own kind.

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RE: Hi thots abute nudism

On of the major problems on this site so many of them using this to persue sex and the keep hounding females untill they delete their profiles, so its hard to blame the ladies on here for being so defensive !!! i wish their was a way to single them out and deletete them from using this site...

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RE: Hi thots abute nudism

Another factor why there are more men then women simply could be an age thing. My wife to me is still beautiful but in accordance to the norms of our society older women are not acknowledge nor celebrated thus the message to older women is be invisible. Men on the other hand as we age not only don't care how we look no one out there is giving us subliminal messages not to like ourselves.
We live in a very screwed up society.

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RE: Hi thots abute nudism

Besides making friends and chating is anyone are wiling to promotenudism like making grups or federetion,like Lgtp/ why i am felenglike criminal in greece becose i am nudist,and why the majority ofnudist are men ???We tried forming a nudist group and nobody joins. We wish there would be more nudist couples.

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RE: Hi thots abute nudism

We tried forming a nudist group and nobody joins. We wish there would be more nudist couples.
its a dificult strugle but worth to fight,in greece at 2012 there was more than 600 atacks on Lgtb and imigrants by neo nazi now they are acceptible and facist not society has change for now, but in order to make a change first step we need to start a dialog aboute this the rest will folow,need time and wiling

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