Interesting Topic: Older Men/Younger Women

The relationship concept that is the topic of this group is really interesting to me. I wonder why people think that such relationships are OK and valuable, especially from the ladies' perspectives, and I hope we can discuss it here in this thread.
For me, I would love to have a relationship with a younger woman, especially if she was sexy, and I don't mean just physically attractive, at all. For me, sexiness has a lot to do with folks' perspectives, beliefs, values, intelligence and spirituality. So far, I have met few younger women that truly understand themselves, yet, and they sure don't know much about life or what they want in life. In other words, for me, the woman would have to be wise and mature beyond her years.
I'm sure the same is true of men, though. I've known a lot of guys who never figure themselves out, much less relationships, and some of them are as dumb as a box of rocks ;-)

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RE: Interesting Topic: Older Men/Younger Women

The relationship concept that is the topic of this group is really interesting to me. I wonder why people think that such relationships are OK and valuable, especially from the ladies' perspectives, and I hope we can discuss it here in this thread.For me, I would love to have a relationship with a younger woman, especially if she was sexy, and I don't mean just physically attractive, at all. For me, sexiness has a lot to do with folks' perspectives, beliefs, values, intelligence and spirituality. So far, I have met few younger women that truly understand themselves, yet, and they sure don't know much about life or what they want in life. In other words, for me, the woman would have to be wise and mature beyond her years.I'm sure the same is true of men, though. I've known a lot of guys who never figure themselves out, much less relationships, and some of them are as dumb as a box of rocks ;-)Jim,I cannot agree more. Unfortunately I have never had a relationship with a woman younger than myself. Mainly because as much as I see great beauty in younger women, I've never found a woman that had the maturity to match her beauty. To this day, I see so many beautiful women of all ages, but it seems their maturity and desires are to be nothing more than objects of beauty for all men. I may be overstepping here, but a lot of the women on this site aren't what I would call True Nudists, but women just interested in being seen.

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RE: Interesting Topic: Older Men/Younger Women

I've done the "Younger Woman" thing and it's a mix of pros and cons. I think young and a part of me has spunk. As I tell my kids.."I ain't dead yet!". With that I can get along great with the younger crowd and most of them think I'm a lot younger than I am. But mind and body are two different things. Even at 10 years younger I found that there is a difference in energy level. Also the experience in life. At 16 years difference I often felt like a teacher more than a mate. The interesting thing that I found is 9 out of 10 women that are interested in older men, that I found, had a issue with their father. Either they didn't have one, or bad relationship with their father, or was "Daddy's Girl" and Daddy isn't around anymore. Right there I knew they were looking to replace or fill a gap. But I am still open to the idea.

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RE: Interesting Topic: Older Men/Younger Women

The relationship concept that is the topic of this group is really interesting to me. I wonder why people think that such relationships are OK and valuable, especially from the ladies' perspectives, and I hope we can discuss it here in this thread.For me, I would love to have a relationship with a younger woman, especially if she was sexy, and I don't mean just physically attractive, at all. For me, sexiness has a lot to do with folks' perspectives, beliefs, values, intelligence and spirituality. So far, I have met few younger women that truly understand themselves, yet, and they sure don't know much about life or what they want in life. In other words, for me, the woman would have to be wise and mature beyond her years.I'm sure the same is true of men, though. I've known a lot of guys who never figure themselves out, much less relationships, and some of them are as dumb as a box of rocks ;-)Jim,I cannot agree more. Unfortunately I have never had a relationship with a woman younger than myself. Mainly because as much as I see great beauty in younger women, I've never found a woman that had the maturity to match her beauty. To this day, I see so many beautiful women of all ages, but it seems their maturity and desires are to be nothing more than objects of beauty for all men. I may be overstepping here, but a lot of the women on this site aren't what I would call True Nudists, but women just interested in being seen.I see a lot of beauty in a lot of women, and I am likely younger than you. Over the summer, I had a relationship with a woman of 31 years of age, and I thought she was intelligent enough to overcome some of her hang ups with life and me. I still think she will, but it will take awhile, and she will have to want to do so. Right now, she seems to be suffering from some emotional and even mental problems, and with what she's been through, that's no surprise. I was more than willing to help her through those issues, but she's just not willing to change. It's very saddening to me, because she really is the woman I dreamed of for 30 years, and she really is quite beautiful. She has so much potential!
It's odd to me that more young women don't value the maturity, experience, professionalism and even financial stability of older men. I certainly admire that in women my age or older, tremendously.

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RE: Interesting Topic: Older Men/Younger Women

I've done the "Younger Woman" thing and it's a mix of pros and cons. I think young and a part of me has spunk. As I tell my kids.."I ain't dead yet!". With that I can get along great with the younger crowd and most of them think I'm a lot younger than I am. But mind and body are two different things. Even at 10 years younger I found that there is a difference in energy level. Also the experience in life. At 16 years difference I often felt like a teacher more than a mate. The interesting thing that I found is 9 out of 10 women that are interested in older men, that I found, had a issue with their father. Either they didn't have one, or bad relationship with their father, or was "Daddy's Girl" and Daddy isn't around anymore. Right there I knew they were looking to replace or fill a gap. But I am still open to the idea.That's confusing to me...what you said. What's wrong with them wanting looking for a father figure and one fulfilling that role? What's wrong with being a teacher/mentor as much as a lover?

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RE: Interesting Topic: Older Men/Younger Women

I've done the "Younger Woman" thing and it's a mix of pros and cons. I think young and a part of me has spunk. As I tell my kids.."I ain't dead yet!". With that I can get along great with the younger crowd and most of them think I'm a lot younger than I am. But mind and body are two different things. Even at 10 years younger I found that there is a difference in energy level. Also the experience in life. At 16 years difference I often felt like a teacher more than a mate. The interesting thing that I found is 9 out of 10 women that are interested in older men, that I found, had a issue with their father. Either they didn't have one, or bad relationship with their father, or was "Daddy's Girl" and Daddy isn't around anymore. Right there I knew they were looking to replace or fill a gap. But I am still open to the idea.

For me though, I have more energy than I have had in 25 years due to nutritional supplementation, weight loss, testosterone injections not for ED and more, but my younger lady and I conflicted for other reasons. I still love her, but I'm concerned that she'll never get along with any decent man, because she's genuinely psycho and won't get help.

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RE:Interesting Topic: Older Men/Younger Women

I had a relationship with a much younger girl and it was a wonderful experience. When we met she was in her final year of University and I knew from the outset that after she had finished she would be going away travelling. However during the 10 months we had together we had a fantastic time. Between the two of us there was absolutely no hint within the relationship that we ere so far apart in age. She was kind, sensible brimming with common sense, intelligence and maturity. We often went out for Dinner and had several overnights in Spa Hotels and I can honestly say I never noticed any whispering in the dinning room and people interacted with us perfectly normally. (Maybe I had the wrong expectations but my fears were allayed)
She was an Indian Girl and quite frankly stunning. I was a very luck man to have had her in my life for that time. Practically going forward was it a long term proposition? Maybe not especially as her Mother did not know about it and would probably never have approved! But we were both able to embrace that and enjoy the time we had.

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RE: Interesting Topic: Older Men/Younger Women

-) To this day, I see so many beautiful women of all ages, but it seems their maturity and desires are to be nothing more than objects of beauty for all men. I may be overstepping here, but a lot of the women on this site aren't what I would call True Nudists, but women just interested in being seen..

A lot of the women here meet this description. There are some who do not but finding them and establishing a meaningful and thoughtful line of communication can be very difficult!

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