Hammock anyone

HI , wondering if anyone else like to hang in the trees :)

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RE: Hammock anyone

yes the best way to sleep I think

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RE: Hammock anyone

Just checkout hammock forum and make your own! Seriously is the best sleep I get. I keep mine in the truck, always ready to camp. I hung at Star Ranch in Texas this spring and they said there is another naturist hamock hanger that comes there. Hope to meet more converts!

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RE: Hammock anyone

I've never slept in a hammock, how are they for a bad back? I can't do soft beds and prefer to sleep on my side so I am wary of hammocks for anything but relaxing. But I like the idea of being off the uneven often cold ground!

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RE: Hammock anyone

I use a Hennessee, it allows you to sleep flat and I have no trouble sleeping on my side. Only issue is the bottom gets ccold in cool weather, need a pad or underquilt. A fleece is plenty down to 50F or so.

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RE: Hammock anyone

Being a back packer and remote places kayak camper, I've used tents for many years. Several years ago I got an ENO hammock for a Christmas gift so I went out and bought the bug net and rain shelter to go with it. Haven't been in the tent since. The hammock is sooo comfortable. I don't wake up stiff and kinked like sometimes happens in the tent.It's been through some hellish rain storms and I've never gotten wet. In cold weather I use an inflatable Therm-a-rest pad under the sleeping bag. Hammocks are great for back or side sleepers, but probably a no-go for stomach sleepers.

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RE: Hammock anyone

I have a hammock, but haven't camped in it yet. I'm looking forward to trying it out soon. It's cooling off here, so that makes camping more inviting to me.

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RE: Hammock anyone

This time of year you really need a bugnet. The Hennessee and a few others have it as part of the hammock and thats nice. Dutchclips has one with a half net that looka interesting. Once you go camping in it you will be hooked! We all get into making them or at least customizing the support system. Let us know wher you go and how it works, shoot lets get up a group trip!

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RE: Hammock anyone

One of the best nude camping experience you'll enjoy is a warm evening by the lake, swinging lazily to the night sounds. A bug net is a welcome addition to a hammock in the south I've found.

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RE: Hammock anyone

oh so true,, I have a place I like to hang along a local small river. The sounds of the moving water and the tree frogs are awesome! and no light pollution, stars are out in their glory, thanks for reminding me nakedrightnow!! Oh,, so am I :)

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RE: Hammock anyone

Well got imspired to boogie down to the river for the morning. Been needing to work out the suspension for my new tarp anyway. Hung and snoozed to the sounds of the river and breeze thru the trees,,, that is till the folks across the river started bushhoging! Reminded me I need to do the same instead of spending a lazy day :( Im going to try and post some pics from this morning, hope it works.

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