Last Days of Summer

Making the most of a warm sunny day in the garden.I'm not completely shielded from the road, but its only the occasional lorry that can see in.Mowing the lawn naked with your feet in the grass is a fantastic experience.A quick coffee then back to weeding the vegetable plot.Just got to make the most of these days.

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RE: Last Days of Summer

Making the most of a warm sunny day in the garden.I'm not completely shielded from the road, but its only the occasional lorry that can see in.Mowing the lawn naked with your feet in the grass is a fantastic experience.A quick coffee then back to weeding the vegetable plot.Just got to make the most of these days.You are so lucky, I'm painting my shed but overlooked all round so just a very short pair of shorts on for me and nothing else! Happy weeding.

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RE: Last Days of Summer

Spending nude gardening weekend at Pinetree! Building nude yoga garde and drum circle. Long way to go, but planning initial grasses and trees to form frame of raised garden. Will partially block view. Planting some day Lillies as well. Marvelous!! Namaste!

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RE: Last Days of Summer

Tomatoes in g/house about finished. Have good crop of pot tomatoes lined up on south side of house. chillies in g/house ripening fast. Would like few more days sun but ----------

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RE: Last Days of Summer

Oh you fortunate folks. It's already too cold to be nude outdoors here in the mornings, the best time in my opinion to be outdoors doing gardening naked. The temp today is 10.4 C! By the afternoon it may go up significantly. I did move a few poles early this morning freezing my hands and generally feeling too cold to be outdoors naked. I was trying to fool myself in believing if I kept working I'd warm up. I was most happy to be back indoors warm again sipping my coffee and eating breakfast. I knew it must be cold out because the heat pump came on a couple of times even before I got up.

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RE: Last Days of Summer

We've had a lovely late heat wave, ideal for tidying the garden naked and moving the shed. That shed moving happened because the man inspecting my gas tank said it couldn't be that close to the tank. So I spent several days stripping 10 years' growth of ivy off the shed and gas tank, demolishing the shed, laying a new base and rebuilding it. It was so good to be able to do it naked in comfort. The shed now has a new roof, light and power.

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RE: Last Days of Summer

The last couple of week have been quite warm here in the north woods, but the mornings are now getting pretty nippy. I've been out preparing the raised beds for winter and I'm relishing every nude moment!

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RE: Last Days of Summer

It is a case of grabbing nudist times in the garden when I can now before it gets too cold to do much nude gardening. If the sun is out I will be nude or just getting some greens etc in for the meal where I wont be outside very long.

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RE: Last Days of Summer

We had a really nice day of cooler temps and rain! Yes ... rain in Southern California!!! It rained from before 2 pm til early this am. It wasn't a very hard rain, just a constant mild rain. Won't help the drought much but most of the neighbors, including us, go to turn off the yard sprinklers for the day ... and today too!
The day before, Monday, we spent at our club. Some sun when we arrived but then it clouded up and it looked like it was going to rain but it never did. The temps stayed in the very high 90's so even though no sunshine, we were in the pool for quite some time. Cooler temps the rest of the week but then predictions for high 90's - 100 for the weekend and the following week. Summer does not want to go away quietly here in So Cal.

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RE: Last Days of Summer

We are down to the low to mid 60's and so unless the sun is out in the middle of the day and no wind it is getting plenty cold to be nude in the garden.
Looking forward to next nudist summer.

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RE: Last Days of Summer

Yes it is starting to get chilly. I have to put on a jacket. They call it Donald Ducking or going bottomless.

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