thanks to all true truenudists

Hello all. i would just like to take a minute and give a big thanks to all of the true nudists on this site. Sure there are tons of trolls and pic collecters but once you get through all the b.s. there are good hearted ppl here. I come here everyday and read the forums and find guidance from all of youfor my fairly new nudists life. It makes me happy to know that there are more ppl like me and that everyone on this site isnt just gawking at my pictures. So, without much more of your time, i would just like to say thanks agian for being true nudists.

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RE: thanks to all true truenudists

Ditto! Well put.

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RE: thanks to all true truenudists

Thank YOU Michael. You are right the vast majority of people on here are caring friendly and genuine. Mario, I agree it is nice to see more younger people coming to the site and participating.

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RE: thanks to all true truenudists

Graying of nudism/naturism is a concern of many of us long-time active nudists. It definitely is super, NIM, to see the younger ones here. To that end...a short story. We were at dinner the day before THE skinnydip with one of my members and found out I was older than his mom by a few years. That was an eye-opener.

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