RE: Snorkeling nude, how do you do that ?

While living in Puerto Rico many many moons ago I went snorkeling nude with buddies during my high school days and never once did we have an issue with something trying to bite us off or anything LoL. Those were the days of freedom within the sea :)

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RE: Snorkeling nude, how do you do that ?

Club Med is not CO. That said, topless for women and thongs forboth sexes are common. Mostly on the beach but also around the poolas well. I've been to 4 clubs in Mexico and the Bahamas and havebeen naked (and snorkeled) on all of the beaches. Clothing isrequired for dining and common areas but I found the tradeoff veryacceptable.That is very interesting. I have a thong in case of, but never used it in public. Maybe, seeing other people wearing some will be easier if I have to. And being able to go nude on the beach, was you alone or other people were doing the same ?Although fully naked people by far are the minority, we were not alone. There are almost always 2-3 others sunbathing topless or nude and it's not unusal for others to snorkel naked. For a first time, you might be more comfortable at one of the locations mentioned by other posters. There is often comfort in numbers...

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RE: Snorkeling nude, how do you do that ?

I snorkel in the nude every time I go to St. Martin....Club Orient. The water is very clean and clear and I have had no problems at all. Everyone should give it a try!

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RE: Snorkeling nude, how do you do that ?

I've snorkeled nude at many beaches in the Mediterranean, especially in the Greek islands and round Spain, at nudist beaches in Portugal, the UK, Australia, Cuba, Costa Rica etc. Plus a few quieter spots in several countries which were not noted for nudism.

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RE:Snorkeling nude, how do you do that ?

When snorkeling, I saw a moray. That time, I thought that I was lucky wearing a swimsuit. Having your sex swinging can be attractive for fishes and other submarine life.So, how do you practice snorkeling nude ??

It would be good to point out here, that wearing anything flashy could be a bad idea when snorkeling, as that can attract predator fish looking for a meal. A shiny cock ring is definitely out of the question due to this. Any kind of jewelry should NOT be worn when in the water for whatever reason, nude or not. Not to mention, wearing these kind of things in the water increases the chances of losing them, so just leave them on the boat or beach, unless you want to be targeted by a hungry toothy fish.

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RE:Snorkeling nude, how do you do that ?

Having your sex swinging can be attractive for fishes and other submarine life.So, how do you practice snorkeling nude ?
I've done both snorkeling and scuba nude on numerous occasions in many locations, not to mention just plain ol' skinny dipping. And I've never had a problem. However, I do remember, on occasion, having minnows nibbling at any and all of my extremities, including fingers and toes. None of which were damaged. So no big deal. That's not to say you shouldn't be wary of Sea Nettles and other stinging type jelly fish. But a bathing suit won't protect you from them. You'll need a full wet suit with gloves and a hood if they're in the area. And that totally defeats the joy of snorkeling in my humble opinion.

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RE:Snorkeling nude, how do you do that ?

When I as learning to SUBA dive in south Florida we had to do a beach dive to 30 ft or so. While we were snorkeling from the beach out to the where we were to dive to the bottom I noticed several fish nipping at the ends of the loose straps on my equipment. Immediately I was glad to have a bathing suit on.

Now to the point of this post. We were members of Cypress Cove when we lived in Orlando. They had this floating swimming and diving platform several yards from the beach. It was about sunset and several of us were on the platform when this couple swam up and stayed in the water but rested their arms on the platform and introduced themselves. That was their first day at a nudist camp. Suddenly the man jerked back and then jerked back again then swam fast to the beach. A fish was nipping at his penis. Never did find out if he was hurt.

So it is something to be aware of. Fish will try anything that looks to them like food.

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RE:Snorkeling nude, how do you do that ?

i went on a snorkel boat ride while staying at Hedo II Negril. As we pulled away from shore, some woman asked " this is a clothing optional snorkel right?' We all agreed yes. When we got done, one woman said " there were lots of interesting things down there" And another responded " yes and fish too"

While sailing on a yacht in the Greek Dodecanese Islands, the captain suggested that we stop the boat between islands and skinny dip. The other couple , young Europeans and I redly agreed. The water was the bluest, deepest clearest water i have ever had only a snorkel mask on in.

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RE:Snorkeling nude, how do you do that ?

I have snorkeled nude many times, off Key West and in Hawaii. It is delightful. Plenty of sunscreen and avoiding shiny jewelry is definitely good advice, whether you are naked or not. I am not sure why snokeling would be much more risky to the dangly parts than skinnydipping, in any case.

One waterfall pool where I swim has a type of minnow that nips at skin tags and moles, which can be annoying but doesnt really hurt. Odd that these critters dont bother me in the other rivers and ponds in the same area. But never a nip on the penis.

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RE:Snorkeling nude, how do you do that ?

I Have been snorkelling in Vanuatu and I have to say it is a fantastic experience, never had any issues with fish wanting a bite, and made sure I was high enough above the coral not to drag on it

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