Hot Tubs

This post started as a way to redirect people to the "A Man's Greatest Fear" post. I had doubleposted the entire topic by mistake. You can findthethreadat

However, the new item of interest is hot tubs. BEWARE!

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RE: OOOps!

Hey, there's a first time for everything! lol

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RE: OOOps!

Hey if they don't come to Mans Greatest Fear maybe the will come to OOPS. In any casethanksfor a needed public service Gerry

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RE: OOOps!

I thought maybe somebody went to a public pool and their swim suit feel down to their ankles or something like that?

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RE: OOOps!

Hot tubs are even worse. Never get in a hot tub that young children have used.

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RE: OOOps!

Seen some pretty messes in hot tubs used by adults too. Just keep the chemicals topped up

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RE: OOOps!

Hot tubs are even worse. Never get in a hot tub that young children have used.

Young children (under the age of 11) shouldn't use a hot tub at the temperature that it's meant to be as their body core temp rises too quickly. There has been at least one case of a child's death in the 1980s due to that,

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RE: OOOps!

Seen some pretty messes in hot tubs used by adults too. Just keep the chemicals topped up

You will still be sitting in chemicals and urine.

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RE: OOOps!

I don't like hot tubs at all. Cold tubs on the other hand (50d F) are great!

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RE: OOOps!

NIM, There was a hot tub in a park that is no longer in existance. Whenever I would get into it, I got an infection. My personal hot tub on the other hand has never caused one. There are some personal ones, I would hesitate, but MINE isbetter than some parks.

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RE: OOOps!

Infections - Been there done that. I now politely ask when the water was last changed or checked.

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