naked boating

canoes and kayaks are great for nude stealth boating people may not notice or hear you as you paddle on by, plus once you put it in the water the the gas mileage is great.

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Naked Boating

I have been canuding a number of times. At the Mid-Winter Festival we have a field trip to go canuding on the Loxahatchee River. A group of us did it again this year with no problems at all. Last year a number of us got written warnings from the Park Service for being nude in a state park (3 of our group got citations but when they showed up in court they were informed that the citations were not on file with the court)
I have also been on nude cruises

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RE: naked boating

Hey I love the "nude stealth boating" idea with kayaking! Kayaking is something I have been itching o try anyway and this is just another excellent reason to do it.

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RE: naked boating

kayaking is really cool but i think the best part is when you get to the launch you can be in the water in a matter of minutes and down the stream......

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RE: naked boating

I know I have talked about maybe getting a sail boat this time out, but there still isn't anything like good old American BIG block horse power pushing a 38' go fast haul across the lake.....Hey wait a minute.....!!!!! This is supposed to be about nude boating !!!!! OK, you can do that in the nude too..... LOL Been there, done that !!!! LOL


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RE: naked boating

years ago when i was into sailing i kept my sailboat at the marina north of town, my favorite days were the middle of the week when boats and people were sparse i would sail out a short distance and get nude. most times only saw a few boat pass by as i sailed along and usually wouldn't coverup, when it got hot would drop the sails and jump over the side or find a island and drop the anchor. several times at the island while skinnydipping other boats would arrive the first couple times i would slip back aboard and put on a suit finally i just stayed nude and had no problem when other boaters were there. i think most boaters are skinnydippers anyways.

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RE: Naked boating

We enjoy nude boating on the Mississippi. we put in at Prarie Du Chien, Wisconsin. We prefer thru the week as there are less boats there, but as it is legal on the Mississippi, we don't worry about it to much on the seek ends. just try not to be observed by children, so parents don't get irate. don't worry about adults. On one occasion we were camping, there was one campsite south of us, and a couple oith kids started to pull in, they noticed that we were nude, so didn't stay, but we heard her ask her husband if the two guys camping just north of us knew that there was a naked woman there, we had a good laugh at that.

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RE: naked boating

I know I have talked about maybe getting a sail boat this time out, but there still isn't anything like good old American BIG block horse power pushing a 38' go fast haul across the lake.....Hey wait a minute.....!!!!! This is supposed to be about nude boating !!!!! OK, you can do that in the nude too..... LOL Been there, done that !!!! LOLSteve

I kinda like the idea of an American BIG block pushing a kayak, meself !

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RE: naked boating

I know I have talked about maybe getting a sail boat this time out, but there still isn't anything like good old American BIG block horse power pushing a 38' go fast haul across the lake.....Hey wait a minute.....!!!!! This is supposed to be about nude boating !!!!! OK, you can do that in the nude too..... LOL Been there, done that !!!! LOL Steve
I kinda like the idea of an American BIG block pushing a kayak, meself !
Think the Kayak will hold it?

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RE: naked boating

I kinda like the idea of an American BIG block pushing a kayak, meself !
Think the Kayak will hold it?

Keep it moving fast enough, and it'll float.
Probably, no one will ( or have time ) to notice what you're wearing, or not !
Remember the Stroker McGurk surf-rod ?
OK, that's a fantasy, but a pretty cool one, IMHO.

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