On the rare occasion where I get to work from home, or when I handle out-of-hours calls, I will of course be naked.
As I've said before, this is only really funny because of the attitudes of the people I'm talking with. When in the office I even have to hide the fact that I take my shoes off under my desk.
God knows how they'd feel if they knew I was naked LOL
I'm retired but I handle all the bookings for the Village Hall, mainly by phone or email. I'm always naked when home alone. I never think aboutit when on the phone: handling an enquiry, taking bookings and dealing with hirers' preferences. It makes no difference. Recently one got me out of the shower. I was tempted to tell them I was naked and dripping wet but thought better of it. The vast majority know I'm a nudist so they probably guess. Mostly they know not to call at the door unexpectedly, opting to just put a message or payment through the door. Those that do knock have to wait while I grab some clothes.
I don't subscribe to the notion that in order to put yourself in
the right frame of mind for a telephone job interview - you should
wear a suit and tie although the people at the other end of the
line can't see you ... I believe you do better if you are relaxed
and comfortable - for a nudist that means naked ... If it is a
video call - that changes things a bit ...
I always talk on the phone in the nude, whether it is a business call or a pleasure call. I don't think it is necessary to be dressed just to be on the phone.If I worked from home and had to make business calls I would still be nude all the time.
I just had a job interview over the phone while i was naked.
Well, it's been over a month now since the call was made. Tell us, did you get the job from the naked phone interview or not? You have not provided that one detail of this thread, yet.