Naked hammock hang

Well title say it all, anybody up for a hammock hang? I frequent a hammock camping forum and the post get togethers sooo... I was thinking a naked camping get together would be even more awesome!!! Hidden river, maybe this spring , or suggestions! I think it would be awesome to get together with bunch of naked hammock enthusists. A resort would remove the tension of textiles wandeking by. I do plan to be hanging in mid Tennessee Saturday if anyone's up for a shortz notice campfire ! So what you think?

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RE: Naked hammock hang

Sounds like fun to hang naked in a hammock! I have seen camping hammocks in campsites and have
wanted to try one. Ive never even slept
in a hammock indoors and growing up I thought they just did that on Gilligans
Island. I wish TN were closer.

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RE: Naked hammock hang

I was thinking a naked camping get together would be even more awesome!!! Hidden river, maybe this spring ,Give me a shout in the Spring. I'll be due for a trip to Hidden River by then. In fact, I will probably have made a trip there before then, but I'll be ready to go back. I always take my hammock along with me whether I'm staying overnight or not. It packs into a little light weight ball that fits into any sort of odd shaped space. It's really handy to have along no matter where I go.

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RE: Naked hammock hang

I'm in! I've owned a hammock for a while, but haven't used it much. Took it camping about a month ago, and loved it. Now I want to get out and use it whenever I can.

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RE: Naked hammock hang

sounds great, I'm glad you got to give it a try! I only know of one person who has tried a modern camping hammock and didn't like it. he liked the sleep but needed more room for stuff that the tent provided.

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RE: Naked hammock hang

needed more room for stuff that the tent provided.There are quite a few videos on YouTube with useful ideas and tips for hammock camping and ways to use tarping to cover "stuff" including the hammock. Some show how hammocks can stay dry even in the pouring rain. Good info there to be had.

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RE: Naked hammock hang

yep, fellow was not a personal friend, but he liked to write while camping and I can see that it could be a bother in the rain. I hung thru a bad storm in a group camp site, come morning ,I was the only one dry and rested. Tents were all full of water! Thats one of the main things I like about hammocking, don't have to plan for a 3 inch downpour :)I travel light , so a dry bag and my ridgeline sack keep me happy. I have a big tarp, just never seem to need it enough to set it up. So many more reasources out there now, were almost mainstream now, especially on the AT.

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RE: Naked hammock hang

Planning to hang at Star Ranch near Austin TX for the weekend. If anyone else is there come by the pool and say hi. I'll be hanging about 5ft from the pool :)
Can't wait. It's been a long cold winter , well not terrible but if it's cold enough to need shoes, it's too darn cold!
Hope to meet some folks from the forum.

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RE: Naked hammock hang

needed more room for stuff that the tent provided.There are quite a few videos on YouTube with useful ideas and tips for hammock camping and ways to use tarping to cover "stuff" including the hammock. Some show how hammocks can stay dry even in the pouring rain. Good info there to be had.

Spent over 12 hours in one during a heavy downpour in the ADK. Couldn't have been any snugger if I'd been home in my bed.

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RE: Naked hammock hang

When I camp at chickees in the Everglades national Park, I often use a hammock tied in the rafters rather than using tent.

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RE: Naked hammock hang

When I camp at chickees in the Everglades national Park, I often use a hammock tied in the rafters rather than using tent.

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