my first naked gardening experience

I only started to venture into the naturist experience last
February, as the Australian summer was ending. With a very cold wet
winter (by our standards) in Adelaide, i have been naked often in
the house but desperate to return to our clothing optional beach,
and more importantly to spend some time naked outside at home.
Now the problem - 5 foot fences, and single story units next door -
prevents me from most regular gardening (such as lawnmowing, and
pruning) naked. However, for the first time and with the
temperature at a very pleasant 20 degrees Celsius, I have spent the
last couple of hours potting and propagating naked. I have a
section of my backyard on the other side of the property that is
relatively sheltered and so became my work area, and I still
managed to move to some of the more exposed areas to fill my
watering can, move pots around etc.
I must say it was absolute bliss! I'm getting to the stage that I
am forgetting I am without clothes, and the default mode is naked.
looks like I'll be spending more time potting out and propagating
this spring and watering in summer!
It would be remiss on a gardening blog to mention what I've been up
to. Just repotted some pelargoniums and canna lilies, cleaned out
some pots with crocus and snowdrops to save the bulbs, potted up
some rose rootstock cuttings ready for bud grafts, and general
sweeping, cleanup and watering.


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RE: my first naked gardening experience

Congratulations. Especially loved the report on the gardening you did while naked. Spent lots of time in Sydney and Perth and environs, but never Adelaide. Bet it's lovely gardening! Thanks for great post!

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RE: my first naked gardening experience

thanks Bob!

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RE: my first naked gardening experience

We have had the occasional warm spring day here in Melbourne, but try to do most gardening nude unless it is just too cold. Sometimes a t shirt is needed or a kilt. It takes no time to realize and enjoy the benefits of nude gardening.

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RE: my first naked gardening experience

Its good to hear that your doing more in your garden. Over time confidence will grow and you might be surprised that your neighbours won't be that bothered about you being naked. I started by doing jobs in the greenhouse, then as my confidence grew I started to do more work around my vegetable beds. Now I'm quite happy doing any job including mowing the lawn, which is a fantastic thing to do naked. The fresh grass on your feet is wonderful. My growing season is almost at an end with just brussels sprouts and kale still growing. There are leeks ready to pick, but this will be done on a need to use basis. I lost over half my crops to slugs, snails and butterflies. Not to worry, there is always next year. Keep up your naked adventures in the garden.

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RE: my first naked gardening experience

Thanks everyone for the welcoming comments. A question though, as a newbie on this site, should I be getting notifications if people reply to my posts?
There is a notifications count on my profile home page, but always zero... Sorry to be a pain, still learning!

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RE: my first naked gardening experience

Nothing beats the feeling of nude gardening and is there any way you can grow climbers/shrubs against you fences to add about another foot to them to make it more private. Also remember a five foot high fence the people next door will have to sand next to the fence and look over to see you nude as remember if you can only see their heads that is all they can see of you.
Enjoy your nude gardening.

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RE: my first naked gardening experience

Thanks everyone for the welcoming comments. A question though, as a newbie on this site, should I be getting notifications if people reply to my posts?There is a notifications count on my profile home page, but always zero... Sorry to be a pain, still learning!notification count on your profile home page is just for friends requests and messages.

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RE: my first naked gardening experience


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RE: my first naked gardening experience

Working in the garden is a pain this time of the year as it feels so wrong having clothes on to keep warm, so roll on the warmer weather so I can be nude.

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