BillyBare birthday bash! Saturday, November 19

Hot Dang!! -- Mark your calendars!! Billy Bare and his paparazzi will be in Northern Virginia, naked, nude and sans vetements, Saturday, November 19 Spa World, Centreville, Virginia!

Take your clothes off and join us in a nekkid singing of Happy Birthday in the Bade Pool!! Can't be missed!! Billy will be giving all of us his trademarked Scrub de Schack!! Wow!! See you there, completely bare!!!

Lunch: We all don the hilarious Spa World garments and enjoy a great meal with Bill and TN gang at in-facility Spa World restaurant. And also enjoy the red clay ball sauna? Charcoal sauna? Salt sauna? You choose!

Best to all!!


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RE: BillyBare birthday bash! Saturday, November 19

Looking forward to seeing you guys in 2 weeks on the 19th.

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RE: BillyBare birthday bash! Saturday, November 19

Cool, what time are you guys getting there? How long you planning to stay?

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RE: BillyBare birthday bash! Saturday, November 19

Early. 9 am for me and Billy and crew. We'll have Dave, Ernest, Jim, Mark,
Sal, Naveen, Billy and PJ And you and other TN buds. Big gang for
sure! Fun fun fun!!! Thanks for coming!!

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RE: BillyBare birthday bash! Saturday, November 19

Super! That's 14 of us so far!!! Fun!!!! Sea ya there, totally bare!

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RE: BillyBare birthday bash! Saturday, November 19

I'm still planning to be there!

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RE: BillyBare birthday bash! Saturday, November 19

I'll be there too! Looking forward to it


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RE: BillyBare birthday bash! Saturday, November 19

Super, guys!!! Great to have such a big gang for the nekkid nude full-montied party!! Will be great to have 20 plus True Nudists there? Wow! Billy is gonna be working hard to get all the scrubs done before dinner! LOL. Best to all, nudistly!! Bob

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RE: BillyBare birthday bash! Saturday, November 19

Thank you!! We will arrive early! And, Billy will have huge queue for his patented and trademarked scrubs!! So, that should make room in pools! LOL

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RE: BillyBare birthday bash! Saturday, November 19

Looking forward in seeing you guys Saturday. I plan on having a green wrist band on each wrist to help ID me. I did let my beard grow out this week. Please do not be shy in saying hello to me. See you at the Korean bathhouse.

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RE: BillyBare birthday bash! Saturday, November 19

The gang begins to arrive today!! And we sing, 'Hail, hail, the nude gang's all here, what the heck don't we bare, what the heck don't we bare!' We have a naked full house at world-famous BibAbode. Beds, couches, floors! We will be bare nekkid nude Friday at Riverside Sauna. Small and friendly Korean spa in Annandale. Saturday, it's Spa World all day!! Dinner at the Honey Pig!! Join the boisterous bare buddies as we celebrate Billy's Nekkid Day!!! Namaste!!

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