Nude Sunbathers being booked again in A-Bay, Noosa by disgraceful officiers
It is really disgraceful to see what the officers did in A-Bay (3 Nov 2016) this morning.
I was there at around 11:00am and saw 2 officers in casual wears, they were issuing tickets to some people (including a couple from New Zealand) and after the officers finished their business, they hid under the trees and waiting for new comers to the beach. After people stripped off and walked down to the water, and by the time they came back up, the officers approached them and give them tickets.
The most appalling and disgraceful thing I saw was when a nudist couple (they are pensioners) walked back up from the water to put something on, one of the officers ran to them and booked the man without booking the woman.
These officers behaved like hunters looking for a prey on the beach, they are merciless, even booking the two peaceful pensioners. I believe this couple had been enjoying the beach for decades, long before these arrogant officers were born!!!
Are these officers supposed to have something more important things to do? Are they really upholding the law (should they give warning first before and enforce it?) or they are actually trying to raise revenue?
I am really upset by what I saw this morning and wonder if anyone in this group would be able to help, or to suggest ideas for our lovely A-Bay!
- 8 years ago
Really unbelievable and deplorable.
- 8 years ago
Sunnya, the only way this will stop is to get thousands of signatures to the Government. I know this has been tried but you need more than a few thousand signatures and those from interstate telling of how much they will spend on hols here if we have a legal nude beach. We need enough signatures to make members of the government worry they may loose their seat at the next election. If we can't do that it will never happen. As for the officers they are doing what they are told to do by their station Sargent probably because they have had complaints from the public. People having sex in the open are the usual cause of these complaints, they are selfish greedy people with no regard for other beach users least of all nudists. They are only wanting to get off and do not care what the consequences are. I agree whole heartedly that the Police have better things to do than harass harmless nudists. We need to contact the local member continuously until they are sick of hearing from us else the only people they hear from are the complainers. We must keep up the pressure!Cheers Steve
- 8 years ago
You are dead right people will go to Byron and so will there money! The local councils and government need to hear this loud and clear. Maybe we should be contacting the local tourism council to get some major clout on board!Cheers Steve
- 8 years ago
Not good that they are booking couples. We go fairly regularly (in fact just 2 weeks ago).
However it does not surprise us that the police are there. Some of the antics that we have seen go on there disgust us. Last time we where there, this one single male was parading around with dual cock rings on and sporting a semi (why he would want to draw attention to his small pathetic appendage is beyond us). He could be seen at regular intervals giving 'it' a bit of a tug, presumedly to keep it at half mast. He later went for a walk totally naked, complete with cock rings, and proceeded up and onto the path towards Hidden Beach/Sunshine Beach.
The amount of single males there (and they often number 3-4 times the number of couples), that 'troll' around the couples, obviously to get a more intimate look, is confronting, with some being so bold as to sit a few metres from us discretely 'playing' with themselves. We have seen on more than a few occasions, 2 single guys lying on the edge of the sand bank, openly masturbating each other which anyone can see. And the way they swarm out of the trees on the sand bank like blow flies, whenever a couple gets up to go for a swim, is pathetic.
Could go on and on . . . . And please don't get us wrong, we have met and made friends with some lovely single gentlemen there, but unfortunately the majority of the single males are not gentlemen.
It is disturbing to us, and we are naked, let alone 'textile' passers-by. We have been tempted to report some of these wankers ourselves, but understand doing so will be to our ultimate detriment.
We have been there on 2 occasions when the police have made an appearance, however we have only ever seen them target the single males. It is a shame the police are now also booking couples. Unfortunately it is the antics that these single males that have no doubt disgusted a few too many 'textiles' that have in turn reported to the authorities.
- 8 years ago
we live sth side Brisbane so travel to Byron rather than Noosa, we havent been tempted yet to attend A/Bay as we'd always been told it was not legal and the inspectors periodically did patrols and bookings...the sensible thing to do is stay away. dont blame th guys doing their jobs either, they arent the issue, the legislation is the problem
- 8 years ago
That is annoying! We go there quite often as well. Byron is such a road trip for us as well. damn
- 8 years ago
we live sth side Brisbane so travel to Byron rather than Noosa, we havent been tempted yet to attend A/Bay as we'd always been told it was not legal and the inspectors periodically did patrols and bookings...the sensible thing to do is stay away. dont blame th guys doing their jobs either, they arent the issue, the legislation is the problem
Yes, absolutely agree, the authorities are just doing their job, and no doubt driven by public reaction/complaint. Our opinion is, that public reaction/opinion is due to the "blow flies", as we term them, it is a shame, and shame on them. It amazes us that you go to any 'textile' beach and look for the number of single males there, very low, and typically surfers who are just doing there own thing, enjoying themselves. But go to A-Bay, or any other 'clothing optional' beach we have been too, and the single males are in the large majority . . . go figure.
Unfortunately we are north side and Byron is quite a trip for us, however we may have to consider it going forward in the future, which is a pity as A-Bay is such a beautiful beach, and the walk through the national park to get there, is equally beautiful.
Must apologise to the OP, didn't really answer the question poised. Ideas/suggestions for our lovely A-Bay . . . get rid of the disgusting creepy single males, they are f..king it up for all of us . . . the f..kers
- 8 years ago
I hate being negative but it will never happen as a response to a perceived minority group. twice in as many years there have been petitions established.both times I and others have signed and promoted to others to encourage more signaturestwice now local nudists broadly speaking have demonstrated insufficient interest so why could we expect a politician to think there is merit in anything that gets such pathetic support locally
- 8 years ago
Totally agreed with "passncple67" and "mikenshel" ! Those "blow-flies" ruined everything there!That's why for us "true nudists" should go there more often. I believe the more we are there, the more chances we can get rid of those "blow-flies".I also believe that legalising a stretch of the beach as cloth-optional with conspicuous signs, nude bathers are allowed only in a designated area would leave no rooms for those "blow-flies".
- 8 years ago
Nudists at the Sunshine Coast's "unofficial" clothing optional
beach claim police have "blitzed" the area and fined a couple in
their 80s for baring all. Mark Hayter, of the Free Beach
Association, said he was down at Alexandria Bay, in the Noosa
National Park on Sunday and had heard about the blitz. "I heard
they booked a lot of foreigners and two people in their 80s," Mr
Hayter said.
Roger Henderson also wrote to the Daily and advised police had been
doing a "blitz". "The police were not willing to explain the reason
for the blitz, but managed to give out tickets to a number of
people for being naked," he said "In particular, a couple in their
80s were nabbed as well as tourists from other parts of the world.
"The police have been turning up, hanging around in the bushes for
an hour or two and then leaping out and pouncing on unsuspecting
beach goers.
I said, there has been no explanation why the sudden interest. "The beach is a popular destination for locals and tourists alike and has been the unofficial "clothing optional beach" for a number of decades. "The blitz is killing tourist numbers and news of it will soon circulate on social media and the internet giving Noosa a bad name indeed."
Mark Hayter is frustrated the police keep fining nudists at A-Bay. Photo: John McCutcheon / Sunshine Coast Daily
Mark Hayter is frustrated the police keep fining nudists at A-Bay. John McCutcheon
- 8 years ago