Nudist or Naturist
What is the difference between nudist and naturist?
- 8 years ago
They both mean the same thing. IMHO, I believe a lot of people use naturist because it sounds classier than nudist. Personally I prefer to bereferred to as a nudist rather than a naturist.
- 8 years ago
They both mean the same thing. IMHO, I believe a lot of people use naturist because it sounds classier than nudist. Personally I prefer to bereferred to as a nudist rather than a naturist.
Thanks...I was thinking it was about the samething I just wanted to be sure.
- 8 years ago
yep nudist here, not yuppy enough to be a naturist. harley
- 8 years ago
yep nudist here, not yuppy enough to be a naturist. Harley
- 8 years ago
What is the difference between nudist and naturist?
To my way of thinking between the two, and reading the definitions of both, I would put it this way. A naturist keeps their body completely natural. No body adornments, piercings, tattoos, hair trimming or shaving. Along with not wearing any clothing. Just being TOTALLY NATURAL. Where as on the other hand, a nudist does not wear clothes, either, but can have trimmed or shaved areas of the body, tattoos, piercing or any other body adornment or modifications. So in this respect, I would consider myself as a nudist, but nota naturist. Since I keep the hair on my head trimmed, and shave my neck from the jawbone to collar bone, but still have a beard. I also prefer to keep my genital area shaved, too. Other's opinions on this may vary, but this is my thoughts on the difference between the two words, naturist & nudist.Put in this context, which do you see yourself as being, nudist or naturist?
- 8 years ago
I think there are very, very few hardcore "naturists" still around.
Naturists were those who enjoyed or preferred nudity amongst nature
but didn't seem to partake in clubs, camps of yesteryear referred
to as, "colonies." Nudists, on the other hand,
where those that liked being naked anywhere and everywhere.
Most nudists/naturists nowadays identify with both ways of
life. Living nude, being nude whenever it's possible and
enjoy being naked in nature from beaches, to the woods, forests,
plains, fields, farms, ranches ... the two philosophies have
merged and melted together so much that there truly isn't a
distinction between the two anymore, except for those fewthat
are hell bent on making a distinction.
For me/us, the use of the words depends on who we are talking
to. We use both terms but at different times and with
different people. Some people mix up naturist with naturalist
... even some naturists/nudists mix these two groups
up. When we use the word naturist, some people, we
don't know well,think we are speaking of our love and
interests for trees, plants, etc. We usually have to say ...
"no, that's a naturalist. We are naturists." For them,
it's just easier if we say ... "we're nudists." Then the
usual response is a raised eyebrow. For those that
know us a bit more, we just use the term, nudist. For us, in any context, there's no difference anymore.
- 8 years ago
Wikipedia of course knows the answer:The XIV Congress of the International Naturist Federation (Agde, France, 1974) defined naturism as: a way of life in harmony with nature characterised by the practice of communal nudity with the intention of encouraging self-respect, respect for others and for the environment.[3]Several other terms ("social nudity", "public nudity", "skinny dipping", "sunning", and "clothes-free") have been proposed as alternative terms for naturism, but none has found the same widespread public acceptance as the older terms "naturism" and (in much of the United States) "nudism".
Here in Europe "naturism" sounds nicer. "Nudism" has a slightly negative tone.
The interpretation by Lakeman221 is, like he says, a personal one. I don't agree. I shave and I have a piercing and still consider myself to be a naturist :-)
- 8 years ago
this si simple - nudist people are naked, thats all
naturist people thinks natural, liberty, freedom, respekt to other and the nature,... enjoy the sporting events like running, swimming, hiking,...
- 8 years ago