OfferUp funny message

So I was selling some stuff on OfferUp and had someone reply to the
add. When the potential buyer got delayed in coming by they messaged
me "Please bare with me." I thought wow was that a typo or should I
stay in comfortable attire?

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RE: OfferUp funny message

Lol guess you can ask them when they get there!

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RE: OfferUp funny message

ahhh the joys of lousy spelling.

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RE: OfferUp funny message

hahaha ... I often see bare and bear used incorrectly. I use "bare" when I should use "bear" but do so on purpose and I usually get a chuckle from close friends. I just wish I'd take it the next step and tell them ... "I really mean bare! :D

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RE: OfferUp funny message

hahaha ... I often see bare and bear used incorrectly. I use "bare" when I should use "bear" but do so on purpose and I usually get a chuckle from close friends. I just wish I'd take it the next step and tell them ... "I really mean bare! :DThe English language has so many quirks that can be played with.

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