Greenhouse Nudehouse!

Had great day gardening nude indoors today at Pinetree indoor pool!
Have palms arranged and trimmed, safe in windowed pool house.
Fuchsias, philodendron and mandevilla joining them in tiers. Makes the pool so
much more relaxing and tropical. Had good nude swim afterwards with
fellow warmth seekers! Best!!

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RE: Greenhouse Nudehouse!

Pinetree seems a lovely place. I have a heated g/house so get nude time in winter. jJust glorious on sunny day but no pool.

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RE: Greenhouse Nudehouse!

Your own greenhouse is wonderful luxury! Enjoy! Today, with first frost on ground, will keep clothes on and plant bulbs and clear the pots and gardens of dead foliage Mulch. A neat garden, fast asleep, enjoys a deserved rest. Nude spring dreams. Best to all!!

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RE: Greenhouse Nudehouse!

Got a small greenhouse but not heated and too small to be nude in when too cold to be nude outside as I will be longer getting nude than the jobs will take in the greenhouse.

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