RE:I need some naked time at home

Yeah, lots of problems that could be worked on - the question is do you (and your wife) want to work on or fix the problems. If yes, or even the possibility of wanting to fix your relationship then by all means talk to a counselor, clergy, or someone who is better trained and equipped than most (all?) of us.

However, if you just don't care and you don't want to walk away or for her to walk away, then you have to adjust to being roommates, or two persons of the opposite sex sharing living quarters - remember that one? POSLQs Don't wander out in her presence nude and stand there "in her face" so to speak. That's just asking for something likely physical between you two and that should be avoided at all costs. But like many of us - certainly for me - get nude whenever you can for however long you can inside and/or outside. If your "wife" goes shopping, take advantage of the time, that kind of thing. Sounds a lot like sneaking around behind her back and I suppose in a way it is but do what you can.

I would certainly make certain to have a key to the house whenever you are outside though, particularly if you're enjoying the outside by being nude. You might find she is home and locks you out. I don't see much good coming of your situation but I can only empathize with you and hope you're able to get some kind of accommodation. Best of luck, maybe the new year will bring you better fortune.

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