RE:Quote of the day

Love that quote of the day..

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RE:Quote of the day

Just because it's a bad idea.... doesn't mean it won't be a good time!!

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RE:Quote of the day

Due to rising costs... dirty deeds are no longer done dirt cheap ... sorry for the inconvenience.

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RE:Quote of the day

My child will not eat fish... what can I replace it with? .....A cat, cats love fish.

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RE:Quote of the day

I just released my own one in the car seemed to like it.

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RE:Quote of the day

The fact that Keith Richards has outlived Richard Simmons really makes me question this eating healthy and exercise thing

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RE:Quote of the day

My research indicates that 70% of people are stupid. Obviously, I'm in the other 40%...

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RE:Quote of the day

I wouldn't do a dam thing for a Klondike Bar.... But would do some shady shit for a Margarita and some Tacos.

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RE:Quote of the day

In my defense, I was left un-supervised...

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RE:Quote of the day

It's hard to get a full 6 hours of sleep at night when you only have a 6 hour bladder!

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