THis thread is NOT about health care's about political correctness. Stay on topic please. If you'd like to debate healthcare refrom start your own thread.Jen
I agree. Please lets get back on subject
I dont think that anyone who has read your straight forward, common sense posts to this Forum gives a damn if they are politically correct or not. Stay on course. Many us are behind you
Health care reform may be a political issue but it has nothing to do with the sense in which the term political correctness is used which was the intent of this thread. Please get back on subject and if you wish to discuss health care open a new thread to discuss it.Thereare a myriad of political subjectswhichcan bediscussedbut please do it in separate threads.
Thank you
If I can't be politically incorrect then can I be empathy challenged?
Sorry, I couldn't resist it.
Political correctness rears its head on a national institution:
It has been suggested that certain words of theCanadianNationalAnthem be changed:
Replace "native" (as in Native Land) with "Cherished"
Replace "Thy sons" (as in All Thy Sons) with "All Of Us)
Replace "God" (as in God Keep Our Land) with "Come Keep Our Land"
On March 3, 2010 a plan to "review gender neutral wording" was announced by the Governor General. A poll resulted in a massive outcry by polled Canadians and two days later the Prime Minister' Office announced a cabinet decision to leave the National Anthem alone
in my PERSONAL opinion, Politicians are people who will lie to your face, with a smile and expect you to believe it without question..... and to be Politically Correct.. one would be expected to be more like them.... for example... Your not black... yourAfricanAmerican No... Your Black... get over it... why complicate Logic withStupidity? you will just get Stupidity in return... because logic will always reject stupidity... I can understand not wanting to "hurt people feeling" the problem with that is.... you develop a country of MUSH... everyones feeling are so weak its pitiful itsridiculous!!! terms like cockpit andfireman, policeman, does the Air Force still have Airmen???? Why change those terms.... how sensitive can people be to really let the word "cockpit" offend them... anyway... Political Correctness just takes everything WAY to far... and makes us all look likebumblingidiots, I personally wouldn't talk to people if they were actually offended by my non-political correctness... Lucky for me, I am not in a position in my life that I actually HAVE to talk to the emotionally "you hurt my feeling, now I'm gonna cry" weak people.
This is, in theory, still a free country, but our politically correct, censorious times are such that many of us tremble to give vent to perfectly acceptable views for fear of condemnation. Freedom of speech is thereby imperiled, big questions go undebated, and great lies become accepted, unequivocally as great truths. Simon Heffer in The Daily Mail, 7 June 2000
A news story has gone viral here in Canada. A British passenger posted a video on you-tube ofMuslimfemale passengers being boarded on his flight without having to prove their identity (remove veils to show face). The male passengers presented the women's passports, itself a violation as persons are required to present their own passport and the veiled women were allowed to board. Airport workers stated that there is "the lack of a clear policy from airline management, worries about political correctness, and often aggressive behaviour from men travelling with veiled women". This is a security problem not just a cultural one. "Somali Mustaf Jama, wanted for murder and one of Britain's Most Wanted is believed to have fled Britaindressed as a womanwearingaMuslimniqabwhich covers the whole face except for the eyes". In responseCanadianMuslims, Islamic organizations and Muslimtravelers all expressed surprise and all agreed that security must trump personal freedoms at all airports. Alia Hogben,a spokesperson for the Canadian Council Of Muslim Women, a welltraveledwoman and prolific author said "she was astonished to hear thatwomenwereable to board a plane without identifying themselves." Many mainstream airline staff report that they are afraid to breach political correctness for fear of adverse reaction from employers resulting in possible censure and even being sued by the offending parties as happened in 2006 when a group of immams were removed from a US Airways flight and later sued the airline. Many veiled women have stated that they would not hesitate to show their face for security purposes, especially to a woman and have stated that "women in the Gulf States are all expected to show their faces. They have a portable screen near the gate,she goes behind the screen. It takes seconds."
In my and many others opinion security must trump a cultural custom which is in itself not a religious one. As Islamic scholar Abourahman Kahin states "Head to toe coverings are notmentioned in the Koran, Canadian law must be paramount at airports, and the security breachhighlightstheimportanceof separating religious and cultural norms", a sentiment echoed by nineMuslimorganizations across the country, includingtheCanadian Muslim Forum, Canadian Council of Muslim Women, Muslim Canadian Congress, Council onAmerican-Islamic Relations Canada, and others.
(underlined portion is highlighted in the news report.)
Have we become so afraid of being branded racist or bigots due to political correctness that we will endanger the security of our citizens, not tomentionthe other restrictions political correctness has saddled us with.
It is an important point Jack- and hope the airplay it had will lead the way to clear policies being set so that security concerns will be addressed!
Ishouldhavementionedthat it is in clear violation of regulations and the Canadian Transport Minister hasorderedan investigation into the situation. The lack of clear policy from management reported by some airline workers does not reflect the government regulations. 100% of peoplemust be screened at the gate. It is also required that persons must produce their own passport which again is a violation as the male members of the party produced the passports for the females. I was heartened to note that themajorityof Muslims see the issue as one of security, not of political correctness or religious/cultural norms.
Call him a Bulgarian.
Aw bless you Ninny- you were the first one in there with a reply!!!
Or a troll would that work?
What if I were to say I was an american living overseas. Would you feel guilt for insulting a nation? I'm guessing not ;-)
Watching, a good thread possibly disintegrating into another flame fest makes me wish dueling was still in vogue. The duel, hopefully ending in a tie. Advocating violence may not be Politically Correct but then..............
Now can we get back on track?