I agree every time I see a man who is uncut I get very very jealous unfortunately I was circumcised at the age of 17 by all means not my decision but a horrible accident at the hospital I went in for an appendectomy and they switch the charts with another person who had my name by accident and they circumcise me and took out his appendix so now everytime I see a male who is intact I get very jealous I would be proud to have my foreskin.
Sorry. Is your reply to what is often a serious emotional concern buried in childhood and compounded since to say 'talking about your penis negates your nudism' as if it were an orthodoxy from on high? The question may be trivial. This is true. But why trot out the accusation followed by 'grow up'? Unhelpful. Judgmental. If there was a direction to growth there I am not seeing it. I understand that for some, any discussion of genitals sexuality or even sensuality is contra the definition of naturism and some iterations of nudism. Not everyone gets this not everyone subscribes to this. I accept it as fact as I reject it as flawed philosophy on a personal level. That said I must try to support community standards. My approach would have been to say the conversation can be better framed in terms of mental or psychological health. But that's me.
Envy about a violation I do not recall is not the correct response. I am not responsible. I cannot change it. I will not be one minute ashamed nor envious but I will celebrate intact penises and cut ones because the man is not what was done to him. That is hardcore scarlet letter puritain guilt bs. We need to accept it is wrong. That we are capable of being whole men regardless, and stop doing it. Envy shame guilt none of that helps anyone. I love my penis. I love all penises. We all have what we need. Stop shaming.
Nothing to feel embarrassed its natural every man born with foreskin, rather being an uncut guy you and your sex partner can have wonderful experience of enjoying the mechanism of moving foreskin up and down over your cock head which a cut guy can't. More over its your own comfort if you are happy with your intact cock then you should not care for anything else.
I am also uncut and absolutely fine with what i have. My GFs also complemented many times. Its been over 5 years now i am comfortably keep my foreskin mostly retracted and get my glans exposed like circumcised and similarly whenever i want, i leave foreskin covering full glans like normal uncut cocks.