Every man's penis is unique to him, and is special to his own experience, culture, whatever.
These threads that start out with faux concerns are often over something that the poster just wants to receive compliments about.
Saying one is embarrassed about his foreskin is like saying you're embarrassed over having green eyes. There are enough guys who have their foreskin. I doubt it is all that traumatizing.
Makes me think of this dude on TN though who has been on here for a number of years but he first joined when he was like 20.
Dude has a penis that hangs half way down his leg. But his profile talks about his concerns over it. Until his mom told him to be proud of it. And all his friends are always telling him how great it is. And as the profile continues you can tell this dude isn't the least bit concerned about his penis. In fact, it seems that he's more looking for compliments.
And funny how this concern over a foreskin has actually unleashed a barrage of guys criticizing cut penises. And how those of us who are cut are mutilated. As if we have some sort of grotesque appendage that we shouldn't be proud of hanging between our legs. lol
Now I know some circumcisions don't always go well and there might be some hiccoughs in the procedure that leave a boy scarred or something. But most cut penises I've seen look like a penis.
Im uncut and comfortable the way I am. Ive found that uncut is preferable. I guess the exposed head makes it sexier. Im not circumcised, my parents opted not to circumcise me. Im comfortable the way I am and I have been complimented for being uncut . I dont compare myself to anyone and happy to be me.