personally i think sciences and technology have shown the younger less brain washed from birth but more educated to see thru the sham of religion and mans imaginary entities . they don't need or won't tolerate the selfish controlling ways of nudist resorts, but will travel to countries that offer freer social acceptance of nudism and lifestyles. Without the discrimination and biases of gender or status. . The biggest danger to the demise of nudism is the stuck in the mud older prudist nudist tyrants and women nudists that want to act the victim.
- 4 years ago
gregoryp wrote: this will explain everything
That link doesn't work for me. I get back an error message saying that "the authenticity of the received data could not be verified."
But this link should work:
- 4 years ago
I should add that the website is for someone with an Evangelical Christian slant. That represents only a narrow view of Christianity, whose various sects are all over the map regarding Christian theology.
And there are similar schisms in Islam, Hinduism, and Judaism, from ultra-conservative to ultra-liberal, interpreting their own holy literature as they see fit. So there really is no such thing as "The Church" except in the minds of people who think that their church is the one, true church.
- 4 years ago
I know the original post was five years ago but I hope you see this. I believe one of the John Paul popes (in any case it was one of the fairly recent ones) who in one part of his speech asked "isn't the hand more honorable than the glove"? I wish I could find it. I believe he was referring to our bodies and how we use them. You can be clothed and still be provocative, or you can be nude and innocent.
- 3 years ago
VERY well said, thank you
- 3 years ago
I found this overview on nudism and Chrisitianity helpful;
- 3 years ago